Saturday 28 December 2013

Lots of Bling

Another grey start to the day but we ventured forth to have a walk around the market and a coffee stop at the “Pause Café”. There was no lingering over lunch as the 8 of us were to meet up with the Valérie et al at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. They’d been in the queue for 45 mins already and were nowhere near the front so, a group decision was taken to take a trip on a “bateau mouche”. Even though it was chilly, we opted to stay outside as it gave the best photo opportunities. By the time that the trip was over, night was falling and by the time we’d climbed up to the Trocadéro, the tower was lit up in all its splendor.
Christophe et al arrived at the house a little after us so there were 18 to celebrate Emma’s birthday with an obligatory aperitif or two followed by a dinner of lasagne.  I have to say that it was good to be able to escape to our little haven of peace across the courtyard while the others continued late into the night!

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