Sunday 13 July 2014

En Famille

Took things easy this morning, well that's what you do on a Sunday, isn't it? Christian went for the paper and we then went to the bar for a coffee. We were joined by Martine and she and I had some rosé while Christian stuck to water.
In the afternoon I had to gear up a bit getting organised for the arrival of Christophe et al. Their journey went without problem but after all day in the car, they wanted nothing more than to have a walk after a reviving cuppa.   christian rested and I went with them through the vines. Along the way we came across these friendly creatures which I now know from Maggie who is an expert on all things horsey, are Welsh Cobs.
Dinner and an early night were the only other things on the agenda, so the day ended as it began.
26° sunny

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