Thursday, 10 July 2014

Time Hanging Heavy

 Another day and another trip to theatre for Christian and this time he was 6th on the list and allowed a small coffee in the morning. I'd been going to take the bus but on my way out I met Jacques  who dropped me off at the clinic as he was going that way. The days are hellish  long. Today, the tedium was broken by the shock announcement from the nurse that Christian would be going to Banyuls tomorrow for 3 weeks! She was quite embarrassed when she realised that he knew nothing of the plan. Thoughtfully, she rearranged his admission for next Tuesday so that he could be at home for the long weekend (Bastille Day on Monday). In any case, nothing would be happening. You may remember that Christian has already been to this cardiolgical re-education centre. It was late afternoon when Christian was taken to theatre not long after I'd left to get an earlier bus back, so position on the list isn't much of an indicator.
This evening I was helping Lone and Jesper with the annual games that they organise at the recreation ground. This year they tested the senses, memory and knowledge. There was lots of fun despite the rain showers and Danish beer. The evening ended with dinner al fresco at the restaurant with David, Laura and Martine. People are being really kind with making sure that I'm ok.
23°, sun, wind, short rain showers
Death count rising on the Palestinian side as the bombardements continue.

Today Christian had a heart ultrasound and was shocked to regulate the heart rythm. He was 3rd on the list so was showered, hatted and gowned from just afer 9am. Imagine my surprise when I arrived at 2pm to find that he was still in his room. Poor thing had been "nil by mouth" since the night before! He eventually went to theatre at 3.30pm. About 10 minutes later, Jacques turned up to visit and we sat chatting until just before 6pm when Martine and Patrick arrived to pick me up.
In the evening the neighbours invited me to join them for a meal and jazz where  moonlight on the lake added to the great music, tasty food and good company.
23° Sun but very windy

As Christian was due to go to theatre this morning, I had a morning to myself. Went to the bar for a coffee to glean any village news and met up with Ann and Lynn for a natter. By the time I'd arrived at the clinic, Christian was back and having had only a local anesthetic he was compus mentis.  Just as well, as Nany and André called in and so did Yvon and José. They were all off to the cremation of a 34 year old young woman from the village who left a baby born at 7 months. There were two offers of lifts home but I'd already arranged to get one with Terry and Ann who'd gone to the airport to collect Annette.
22° Sun and cloud, windy 

Awoke to a raging storm that even brought some hailstones and in such horible weather I valliantly battled my way there and back to the clinic on the bus. Christian will be having an examination of his arteries tomorrow; it's been a long wait but his weight and swelling are down.
By the time I arrived back in the village, the sun was shining so after being cooped up all day, it was with pleasure that I set about delivering the Association's messages. Half way round, I bumped into Martine and once the job was done, we went to the bar for a glass of wine and a bite to eat.
18° Thunder, lightening, hail, heavy rain and cool. Sun in the evening.

Sunday as we all know is a day of rest and I was off visiting duties. With no public transport from the village, I left the visiting  to David and Laura. Jean and Françoise went too but only after the three of us had headed over the border to the market. I bought some more plants for the window boxes and then we all went for a coffee and for me anyway, a Danish pastry. Well, on Sundays Christian gets a croissant for breakfast, so fair is fair!
On coming back to the village, I went to the bar for a glass of rosé and stayed for a natter with Jo and Chris.The afternoon was spent catching up with all sorts of boring chores. Half a rest day is better than none. Enough said!

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