After a good night's sleep, Christian felt ready to face the outside world. He walked to get a newspaper and then to the bar for a coffee. It was pleasant sitting on the terrace after being cooped up for so long. I finished with a glass of white wine and Christian had a glass of water. Changed days, eh?
25° Sun, cloud with the Tromantane blowing.
While I did a mammoth shop with Laura in preparation for family coming on Sunday, Christian spent his last morning in the clinic. He arrived home with Jean-Jacques at about 3pm and is looking trim and so much better although, needless to say feeling tired. Just compare this photo to the one taken on the 26th June. Quite a difference, n'est-ce pas? A quiet afternoon for both of us and then in the evening Jean-Jacques called round followed by André. They had a glass of wine, Christian had water so we're off to a good start!
25° Sun, lighter winds
Good to see Christian home and looking better !!