Friday 25 July 2014

On the Buses

Took the bus in the opposite direction this morning and went for my blood test and as I hadn't been able to eat before hand I then went off for a coffee and croissant. Françoise came along and joined me and luckily, the rain was off and we were able to sit outside. Next came my xrays and seemingly there's a bit of arthritis in one vertebrae. The cheery news is that "you can't turn the clock back" but that some physio will help with the discomfort by strengthening the back. That's organised for Monday. Then by way of fun, Maggie and I went to the supermarket!
26°, Intermittant thunderstorms with short bursts of sunshine
Politicians are still trying to broker a ceasefire between Hamas and the Israelis.

As luck would have it, Françoise was going down to Banyuls this morning to meet up with her daughter and grandchildren so I had a lift.We arrived there over 1h30 too early for visiting but a couple of coffees, the newspaper, a bit of chat overlooking the sea and the time soon went. Christian had an appointment with the doctor and he was pleased with his progress as are we. Looking good, isn't he? (Well apart from the cut on his lip done while shaving). He's walking more easily and they're going to change the medication that has been interfering with his thyroid. At last!  All in all, he's a happier chappie. I was happy too as I had a lift back too, this time with Dani and Brian.
30°, sun
The Israelis have bombed a UN school, killing even more women and children. Must start doing my supermarket shopping more carefully.

A day at home today but instead of  relaxing I found myself trying to sort out some (33) translations into French which somehow I find myself with. Not sure how it happened but luckily there are a handful of people who say they'll do one. A recruitment drive for more helpers is sorely needed so I'd better tackle that this weekend. The texts were written by young people in Finish then "translated" into English to accompany their photo-portraits to be exhibited in October. Nothing if not international, eh?
The evening was more fun though as we had our monthly apérobio at the restaurant. A nice bottle of white wine sipped in the late sun on the terrace was just what I needed and as you can see, the plates are clean.
30°, Sun
Overnight an Air Algeria flight came down over Mali killing all 118 passengers and crew on board. 54 were French

Up and out to catch the bus to Perpignan at 9.40; then there was a 30 minute wait for the bus to Banyuls which arrived over there for 11.30. A weighty book about Katherine of Aragon by Philippa Gregory kept me occupied. Christian was looking well and making good progress. He now has a single room which makes life easier. This is the view from the bench where we sit in the shade. can't complain, can we. Jean came over at the end of the afternoon so I was able to come back with him .... a journey of 40 minutes!
30°, Sun

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