Sunday 24 August 2014

Another Weekend

Apart from a coffee at .... where else? ...... the bar .... we just pottered around at home as Christian had a funny tummy and wasn't feeling so good.
25° Sun came through about midday 

There was time this morning for a coffee at he bar before getting the leftovers out of the fridge for lunch. We'd invited Jean-Jacques and Michel to help out. Michel, who came straight from the market, came bearing oysters so there was still enough for doggie bags and then some.
23° Early blue skies turning to grey later on.

Well, we were really lucky last night to avoid the rain as today it just threw it down for most of the day. being made of stern stuff, a few drops of rain, albeit large ones, didn't get in the way of our trip to the bar for a change of scene. First of all there was a coffee and then a glass of wine with André, Jean-Jacques and Florence sitting out uon the terrace, protected from the elements by an awning. This afternoon, I took myself off to see Rowena who was on duty at her exhibition. Here's her website, if you're interested. As I was waiting for the bus back, some folk from the village came by and gave me a lift though there was a bit of a hold up on the road back as people were trying to get a small digger out of the ditch. Still, I was back before the bus and I saved 1€ into the bargain!
This evening we braved the rain and went over to Kathy's for dinner and talk of forhcoming holidays.
21° heavy rain and cloud

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