Friday 1 August 2014

Two Steps Forward, One Back

This week has been more of the same but with strange weather, depressing news, and a few worries about Christian thrown in:
  • Visits to Christian on Tuesday and Thursday, coming back with Brian and then Terry and Ann.
  • Dinner of chilli with Nick and Lizzie on Monday
  • Drink in the bar on Tuesday night with Nancy who is back in the vilage for the summer
  • Dinner with David, Laura, Martine and Maggie at the restaurant on Thursday after which I went over to the bar to listen to the music and where I joined Nancy and her visitor, Lynda . The singer was mediocre, I have to say.
  • Dinner chez Nancy on Friday
  • Three sessions of physio for my back
  • Had the front door painted
  • Supermarket shopping with Maggie on Friday
Christian hasn't been so good although he doesn't really let on. He's been having difficulty with his breathing and is starting to accumulate a bit of water around his middle.

28th: 24°, Rain in the afternoon
29th: 25°, Sunny 
30th: 28°, Sunny and windy
31st: 31°, Hot and sunny
1st: 28°,   Rain and thunder

  • Heavy Israeli bombing in Gaza. Schools hit and the death toll is mounting rapidly
  • Conflict in Libya intensifies with expats being evacuated
  • Ebola deaths mounting with more African countries being affected
  • 100th  anniversary of the outbreak of 1914-18 war in France

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