Thursday 7 August 2014

Plodding On

For the first time in many a week, I made it to the language exchange. Nothing has changed and really not worth the effort and sore back from sitting on a backless bench for an hour and a half. Had a reviving drink at the bar before going home to prepare dinner for 7 of us this evening.
My labours were interrupted by an unexpected visit from Manu (Christian's godson) and his family who are in the area on holiday.
It never ceases to amaze me how long it takes to prepare food and how I always over cater!
Cherry tomatoes, melon cubes, radish, tomato and cerrano toasts
Broccoli and Blue Cheese Quiche
Curried Chicken and Rice Salad
Potato, Broad Bean and Chorizo Salad
Green Salad (made by Nancy)
Peach Upside Down Cake
We gave the cheese a miss as we were on a time schedule and in any case didn't have any space left.
While the others went off to the for - one - night - only oudoor cinema, I cleared up and arrived for the interval. Felt far too tired to stay for the second half so went home to collapse into bed.
29°, sun with cloud later

Dominique gave me a lift over to Banyuls and even paid for lunch at Del Patio I had decided that this week, I would only go over to see Christian once as he was getting home every weekend. Not such a good idea as he obviously felt a bit neglected. Hey ho!
fortunately, by the time that I phoned to say "goodnight" he was cheerier having gone down to the town for a coffee overlooking the sea.
31°, sun and blue skies
The media put Alistair Darling for "The Better Together" campaign slightly ahead after last night's first televised debate.

Took the bus to have lunch with Michèle and Henri and of course, to catch up with news of their Australia trip. Henri drove me back in time for a seession at the physiotherapist's. Bumped into Nancy on the way back and had a cuppa with her and Lynda.
I feel a bit like these wee swallows do.
28°, Cloudy
Baroness Warsi resigned over the Governement's policy towards to the war in Gaza as "morally indefensible" and its continued acceptance of arms sales to Israel.

Only thing of interest today was a short debriefing about the transfrontier cycle race and apéritif at the Mairie.
27°, rain and thunder later in the day

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