Thursday 14 August 2014

End of a Long Haul

Took the bus with Elsa, Nancy and Linda to the market. It was pleasant in the sun but there wasn't much to keep us occupied until the bus to go back. It got us back to the village in time for us to go to Michel's for apéritifs with Corinne and Philippe Jean-Jacques, Françoise and Bernard. Once again Elsa gave an invitation a body swerve.
This evening was fun there was an apéritif musicale with a  a really entertaining band from Brest who we're going around small villages with their families, setting up camp and playing for free during the summer holidays. All very travelling circus but without the animals, of course. Not feeling like leaving all the buzz and to celebrate Christian's homecoming, we stayed on at the bar for something to eat.
26°, sun and cloud

A session of physiotherapy then lunch with Nancy by way of a belated birthday treat for me. Christian came home to a warm welcome from Valérie,  having been discharged from Banyuls.
24°, rain on and off

Robin Williams committed suicide

Went for a coffee at the bar this morning on my own as Elsa preferred the company of her tablet to mine. In the afternoon, we walked over to Maggie's for a dip in her pool. Yes, even me! My courage was rewarded by a cool glass of rosé; Elsa was more absteemious. Valérie and family arrived as planned in the early evening. The road had been long and dusty but for the next few days they can take it easy.
26°, cloud and sunny spells

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