Thursday 21 August 2014

Unseasonal Weather

Elsa left today for home and the bright lights of Paris. She's no trouble which is surprising for a 19 year old and coped very well with this exceptionally quiet time that we've been having. Christian drove her to the station in Perpignan and after doing a shop on the way back, we had a drink at the bar with the language exchange folk and lunch at the restaurant tête-à-tête. It was a pity that Elsa missed the outdoor Spanish song and dance evening that Christian sponsored as I think, it's something that she would have come to. By the time that the show finished just after 11.30pm, it had become a bit parky but at least the rain held off. By the time that we'd had an after-show supper with the artists and others, it was 2am by the time we made it to bed. There was enough food left over to see us through the next few days, yippee!
23° Cloudy

Rose early this morning to organise Elsa for a hike with folk from the village that she knows but lo and behold she decided at 7.15am that she didn't want go. Having showered and dressed, there was no question of going back to bed. It did mean, though, that I had time to get on with the organising the outstanding Finnish/English/French translations for a photo exhibition.
Jean and Françoise called in briefly.
Christian still breathless and sleeping for at least two ours every afternoon.
24° cloud and rain on and off

Physio this morning and Michel, who sorted my laptop which was running too slowly, for lunch. We'd been given some giant yellow and green courgettes that were just right for stuffing with a spicy chilli.
This evening there was an "apérobio" and Christian and the other blokes came along later. This heavy weather is playing havoc with his breathing so, I was pleased that he was able to make it.
26° cloudy

Today, Elsa and I took advantage of the bus which costs 1€ for any journey within the Département, to go into Perpignan for a bit of shopping. Waited paitently in shops that I wouldn't normally go into while Elsa tried on clothes and melted her plastic card. she wasn't interested in looking at any of the sights and architecture which surprised me for someone who wants to do animation design. Still, our route to the restaurant that I'd earmarked took us passed the Cathederal and Campo Santo, so all was not lost. "Le Figuier" did not disappoint. Reasonably well priced Mediterranean food eaten out on the terrace, shaded by olive trees. My kind of place!
Funny how  2 reviews, 2 days apart are so different on Tripadvisor.
27° Sun, cloud and a shower of rain

Coffee at the bar with Jean-Jacques but without Elsa. Fortunately she seems happy enough with her own company doing what ever she does in her room. This afternoon, I did manage to get her out for a walk but she felt that it was too hot, even at 4pm, to walk for more than an hour. still, as you can see, you don't have to go far to get an eyeful of great scenery.
27°, sun

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