Monday 17 November 2014

Feeling Sorry for Myself

Slow to get going. The redness has spread over the shoulder to under the arm. It is is calming though. The Gp has diagnosed cellulits and continued the antibiotics for another 5 days.
16°, overnight rain, sun in the morning, cloud later
Sarkozy supporters distancing themselves from his last comments amid lots of public criticism of his stance. Quite right too.

Rested all day. Little appetite. Christian, however, went tothe village hall  to eat "choucroute", an Alsacien dish of saukraut, pork, smoked and natural sausage. A cold weather dish full of calories. Michèle and Henri popped in afterwards for tea and to see how I was doing.

Rested all day after the blood test.
Sarkozy, in his camapign to be elected as the leader of the UMP,  has spoken out against the recent law allowing "le mariage pour tous".

Oh dear! Had a really miserable night with an arm that was hot, swollen and very red. Knew straight away that an infection had entered through a cut on my finger. Couldn't eat breakfast although Christian had bacon egg and a rather odd, plastic looking sausage. Rather than dally by the lake and have a relaxed lunch we came straight home. Spent the afternoon sleeping until it was time for my appointment with the GP at 7.40pm. I left the surgery with a prescription for antibiotics, cream, something to repalace the good flora killed off by the antibiotics and a homeopathic remedy to calm the burning sensation. Also have a script for a blood test tomorrow.
14.5°, a few spots of rain

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