Thursday 13 November 2014

Stop Over

We were on the road for Barcelona airport for 10am and poor old Christian who's had a slight nose bleed on and off for a week, had to deal with a heavier bleed. We made it to the airport in good time to get Mum and Maureen settled into their wheelchairs ready to be whisked off by two really nice helpers. For us, it was then straight back into the car to head north and find  somewhere for lunch. Ended up coming off the motorway at Sant Celoni and ate at the first place we found, a down to earth kind of place called "La Lluna". 10€ for an all-in menu which of course included chips and other calorific things. Still, the folk were nice and it amply filled a gap.
As before, we decided to stop over on the way and had booked a "Groupon" deal in Banyoles, a stone's throw from the lake Christian was wiped out so he slept while I walked into the town and had a wander around. The hotel had recently been modernised and was fine although the room was small and the evening meal poor. Once again, the staff were helpful and pleasant and a couple of glasses of cava raised morale.
20° Sun

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