Tuesday 4 November 2014

Fun, Chores and Duty

Chores, distribution of the association's newsletter and Michel for supper ater the Tuesday night meeting at the Mairie.
16° Light rain

The day wasn't particularly interesting (just a trip to the supermarket) but  the evening was fun. Jacques had 9 of us from the association around for a Mexican evening. These "chez nous" are aimed at widening people's horizons in the intimate setting of someone's home. Someone that they may not already know. It works well; we had a great time. ¡Hasta luego!
Margaritas with guacamole and nachos
Pork Mole (ie, with chocolate), rice and refried red beans
Traditional "All Souls' Day" cakes
Coffee and chocolate
Chilled beer to accompany the food
17° Sun  with spots of rain in the early evening

With a lot ofpeople walking around in teeshirts, it's hard to believe that we're at the beginning of November. So much the better, as we spent all day outside at the re-organised "October Fair and Forum des Associations". By we, I mean Maggie and myself who did our bit behind the association's stall. The President and the secretary put in a brief appearance and the Treasurer came for a couple of hours. Christian came down for a lunch of sausage and chips al fresco. The evening was spent slumped on the sofa with an aching back from standing up all day. 
24° sunny

It's Saturday, so once Frank et al had left, it was off to the market; not to fill the obligatorty straw basket with fresh veg and marinated olives but to catch up with Henri over a drink. Having missed our regular Thursday lunch at the restaurant we went today  instead. Sat outside, ate well and watched the world go by
22° Sun
Riots after a protester was killed by a gendarme on 26th October at the new barrage over the Tarn project.

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