Friday 28 November 2014

Officially Normal

Woke around 6am to high winds, thunder, lightening and heavy rain. At lunch time we were both invited to join the municipal workers for a lunch of fideuà that José (the Mayor's first deputy) was doing off his own bat. Christian, beacause he's a good bloke and me (I'm sure, because it was at the last minute) to keep José's wife company. In the end, Violette had something else to do and until Annie, the Secretary General arrived, I was the only female there. Spent almost all of lunch time talking "heavy metal" and "Harley Davidsons" with Patrick, the painter. I did manage to extract a promise that next year he and some biker friends would come and give rides as a fundraiser for the Téléthon, our equivalent of  "Children in Need", so it was a useful bit of networking.
After a copious meal and plenty of wine, Christian had his usual siesta and I zonked out on the settee until it was time for my appointment with the GP. Despite being back to normal, I didn't leave empty handed. I've a pescription for some homeopathic medcine to boost my immune system.
Straight after that it was off to the village hall for the AGM of the Twinning Association which was followed by a slide show of our visit last year, tapas and music.
16° On an amber alert. Rain, thunder, lightening and strong winds all of which eased as the day went on.

The whole day was taken up by the association. Attendance at the committee meeting, the language exchange, updating of the photo album and the new members "welcome drink" for which I was responsible and which fortunately went very well. The only moment of respite was lunch at the bar.
18° Overcast

Nothing other than the French pronunciation class.
16° Overcast, rain on and off

Had another blood test that showed that everything is back to normal even though there is still a pale pink patch of skin under my shoulder. In order to have a change of scene we went off to Perpignan to look at cars but the garage was too stingy with a part exchange offer to tempt us to buy a new one. We went for lunch at a nearby restaurant that has had good reviews and decided to go home straight afterwards and think again about car.
In the evening I went for an apérbio at the bar (the restaurant is closed for a couple of weeks) and Jean-Jacques joined Christian for an omlette after their Tuesday meeting at the Mairie which included the Maire's birthday drink.
17° Low hanging cloud in the valleys, then generally overcast leading to rain
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

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