Sunday, 28 December 2014

Coming in Twos

A cold snap has hit us and the Tramontane is blowing hard. It's worse in the East of France where thousands of travellers returning/going to the alpine ski resorts were trapped by the bad weather conditions. After dithering about going out yesterday we decided to go up into the mountains for lunch. On the way up the temperature dropped to 2°. There were only 7 of us but as usual, we ate well and were placed right next to the fire. Outside, the weather changed rapidly; rain, sleet giving way to wintery sunny spells with the only constant being an icy wind.
Isn't it just the way? Just like buses coming in twos after a long wait, as soon as we'd decided to do something, we get an invitation for later in the day for an apéro chez Jean and Françoise. Thérèse and Joan were there too and we enjoyed  lively, at times, heated conversation. Having forgotten Jean's birthday a week ago, as tradition dictates,  I now need to find somewhere original for us to take him and Françoise for lunch but let's get New Year's Eve over first.
5° and as above
  • Another Malasian plane has disappeared with 162 passengers aboard
  • Fire aboard a ferry with 478 passengers aboard in the Adriatic. Fatalities.

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