Tuesday 23 December 2014

Simple Life, simple Pleasures

Awoke to low cloud after a sleep interrupted by 2 hours of wakefulness during which time I finished a Swedish detective novel, "The Weeping Girl" by Hakan Nesser. (Thanks,  Maureen for leaving it behind). Detective Inspector Ewa Morena, the main character has yet, as far as I know, to feature on British tv but no doubt will at some point.
Well, we did it; we braved the hordes at the supermarket which was much, much busier than usual but we kept sane and it only took an hour. Sorry, this really is boring, isn't it? It doesn't hurt though, to know that life in the South of France can be as mundane as anywhere else.  Still, we do have scenery which is far from mundane. This view of Canigou was taken from the little square in front of the village church and as you can see the cloud cleared and the sun took centre stage. It never ceases to delight.
  • 300 troops to be deployed on French streets over the festive season after recent incidents
  • French Gps on strike until after New Year

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