Sunday 18 January 2015

A Week's Worth

Today, the local rugby team celebrated it's 100th anniversaryband André had passed Christian his VIP invitation as he prefered to eat with the "veterans". Henri was pleased to take Christian who knows next to nothing about rugby, under his wing for the meal and the match.
As for me, I went to the bar for coffee where I met up with the church goers. As one of them was Martine we then moved on from coffee to rosé and then lunch. As the restaurant is closing for its annual break next Tuesday, there wasn't a great deal of choice. I gave the wiener schnitzel a wide berth and settled for an omelette. Didn't bother with anything else as I was invited to Nicole's along with Mike and Linda and Alf and Bente (Danes) for a "galette" but this one was made with apple rather than frangipani thus making it alot lighter.
Christian arrived home around 6h30 feeling tired but happy with his day out.
Just a little anecdote to finish. BBC are showing "Spiral",  with a feisty, sexy female lead role and French TV is showing "Vera" with a feisty, far from sexy lead role. Compare and contrast ...........!
11° Cloudy with drizzle overnight

A very brief trip to the market where it seemed as though we met half the village. Joined Henri and Michèle at theirs for a quick apéro before the 4 of us came back to the village where we were joined by André and Nany for lunch at the bar. Christian opted for mussels and me for a pretend wiener schnitzel. The coating was soggy and the veal tasteless. Still the company was good but with cold feet, I was glad to get home for a digestive. Henri and Michèle came too, of course.
Juste called in later on to collect a carton of champagne that we'd had in our cave for at least 18 months and he reminded us that we could call in at anytime. (?) Françoise also stopped by but didn't come in. She'd made Christian's favourite dish of lentils and smoked sausage and as it had been too late to invite us  to lunch, she kindly brought us what would have been our share. She does spoil him.
12° Blue skies and sunshine

Just a trip to Amélie for a belated well woman checkup. All fine and much to my delight I weighed in at 65kg in comparison to 73kg the last time I went in the summer of 2013
13° Drizzle

Well, today we paid the price of a late night and one too many. Managed to get up in time to go to the bar to join the language exchange people. I stuck to squash and Christian had a beer. Needless to say, there was no provision for lunch at home so we stayed on for an omlette. How many more days to go before the restaurant reopens? Help! Another 3 weeks.
13° Sun and blue skies

At long last I managed to get myself organised to go for a walk with another association in the village. The weather was pleasant and the walk wasn't difficult so I was able to stride out at the front. Much to my relief I neither slipped nor got wet feet in the two streams that we crossed so bring it on.......!
In the evening it was the Maire's turn to present his New Year's wishes. It was a moving affair with Laurent singing his song, a minute's silence, the Marsaillaise and a passionate speech from André. The apéro that followed was an amicable affair that we carried over chez Laurent and Samia's. We were in the good company of Jean (singer/composer), another Jean (bass guitarist) and Patrice (film maker). Home for about 2h30 and straight to bed.
14° Sun

A trip to the bank to pay some money in for a change after which we went for a coffee and found Henri. Dentist for Christian this afternoon while I prepared an apéritif dinatoire for Nancy and Jean-Jacques. As Christian and JJ had their weekly meeting at the Mairie, Nancy and I had a chance to catch up on stuff that was for our ears only.
6° and cloudy in the morning, sun and 13° later

Dentist for me for a check up.
14° Sun

11° Sun, cloudy later

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