Friday 9 January 2015

France in Shock

The two men haven't been captured but they've been identified from an identity card that was found in their abandoned getaway car. The news has been given all day coverage and 3 days of mourning declared. There have been people in the streets and the cartoons in the papers and on social media have been superb. Reactions and support have been global. Even "The Sun" had as it's banner headline "NON!"
Early this morning there was a shooting elsewhere in Paris and a young municipal policewoman was shot dead but as yet there's no indication that it's linked with yesterday's attack.
After the language exchange we, as millions of others in France, observed a minute's silence. Went to the bar where there this message was outside and then on to the restaurant for lunch where "Nous Sommes Charlie" was displayed in the window.
16° Blue Skies and sunshine 

Today, was going to be a quiet day but Dominic and Marylise arrived to wish us a "Happy New Year", stayed for an apéritif and then for lunch. Luckily, there was more than enough leftovers from last night in the fridge to put an no-stress meal together. Then the news came in .....
Of Note:
Today, 12 people shot dead and as many injured in a terrorist attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris. Thousands of people came out into the streets of a number of large towns to demonstrate in silence, holding up pens, pencils, press cards and placards saying "Je suis Charlie".
15° Blue skies and sunshine

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