Friday 23 January 2015

Tripe, Trout and Tapas

GP appointment for Christian and he needs to see a specialist for an evaluation of his arteries in his leg. Umph!
9°, blue skies and cloud later

Language exchange, bar but then home for lunch for a change. Apparently yesterday was national hug day. Not a UN day so I don't know who designated it thus or what purpose it serves; the day rather than the action, I mean. Bet that you didn't know that knuffel is Dutch for hug, did you?
10° Cloudy 

Lunch out again today; this time at Jean and Françoise's and once again we were at the same table as Juste and Joséphine! We were joined by Ghislaine and Nicolas, Belgian friends and it was Ghislaine's birthday. Christian is really feeling the cold at the moment and for a lot of the time he sat with a blanket aroung his shoulders with either Françoise or Joséphine rubbing is hands to warm them up! Today, river trout were on the menu, I provided a spicy red lentil and pepper soup and there was a large galette made by Joséphine which easily fed the eight of us. Ghislaine got to blow out the candles and Françoise was crowned Queen. Once back home, Christian snoozed with a hot water bottle and soon warmed up.
Two funny stories which make me worry that my head is on the decline.
Firstly, Françoise, Joséphine and I spent ages scouring a map of Sicily to find a Roman site which we had visited. I couldn't remember the name until I realiseded that it was near Seville, in Spain!! It's called Italica if you're remotely interested.
Secondly, on leaving the French pronociation workshop, I couldn't find my black leather gloves. You'll never guess where they were ... I found them when I got home; they'd been tucked inside my black hat and I'd carried them home on my head!!!!
10° Sun with cloud after lunch

Christian and Michel have been talking tripe oops, I mean about tripe since the Normans who came to stay with us brought a couple of pots. Tripes de Caen are a speciality and are the intestines done in sauce rather than the white spongy stuff much beloved by North country folk. Finally, a lunch date was organised to eat them with chips. Juste and Joséphine were invited too. Juste ate les tripes with the lads while Joséphine and myself had duck, much the better option. What a long time it's been since we've shared a table with them.
This evening, while Christian was at his weekly meeting at the town hall, I met up with les anglaises for our regular apéritif. We were plus one as Barbara who used to live in the village but has since moved back to UK, is here on a few days holiday. Once again we were at the bar as the restaurant is closed and we were all impressed by the spread that was put on for us. The time passed quickly washed down with a couple of carafes of red wine.
Meantime Christian and Jean-Jacques shared an omelette and bottle of wine back at ours after the meeting and  by the time I arrived home, JJ had left and Christian was tucked up in bed.
10° Cloud with patches of blue sky

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