Saturday 10 January 2015

Coming Together

Huge marches took place all over France with people of all religions or none, police, trade unionists, politicians and heads of states from a number of countries but you don't need me to tell you about it as there's been wide tv coverage. 3,700,000 all together; 40,000 in Perpignan, 1m in Paris. Here's hoping that we can capitalise on the solidarity and passion that has resulted from such terrible events so things can change between communities to make it clear that extremism is unacceptable.
In the village, Mass was dedicated to those who died. Christian attended but I prefered to look at Canigou. Afterwards, a large number of us went to the bar where we were joined by Laurent who had written a song.
Seven of us ended up staying for lunch which means that tomorrow's lunch is already in the fridge.
13°, Sunshine but clouding over later

With a sigh of relief and with our faces turned to the sun shining in a blue, blue sky we set of to the market. Our usual haunt was closed so we had coffee across the road and then along with Jean-Jacques, we followed Michèle and Henri back to theirs for an apéritif. Christian and I had to leave at 14h40 for me to arrive back in the village for an AGM. There had been some concerns that an elderly couple would be critical of the President but they weren't there and despite their best efforts with other members, no one took up their cause. At the end, galettes des rois (yes, again), were served with mandarines, a little bag of sweeties and cider and a jolly time was had by all!!!
20°, Sun and clear blue skies
Of Note:
Lots of marches throughout France in memory of those who died and to show that freedom of expression and the republican values of liberté, égalité and fraternité won't be extinguished.

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