Friday 30 January 2015

Blowing in the Wind

Oh what joy! We had a super new bed base delivered this morning amid much huffing and puffing from the delivery men as they climbed up to the nest. They couldn't even benfit of the great view that many of you know exists as it was completely shrouded in cloud. Seeing the prices of bedding in UK, those in France are eyewatering in comparison but I have to say, comfort is bliss and makes it well worth all those €€€€.
Had a Blue Peter couple of hours this afternoon helping to make crepe paper flowers for the village float. That's a few more brownie points racked up without any hardship and who knows when my new found skill will come in useful!
8°, rain and low cloud

Went to the language exchange as usual and then to the bar but for once, Christian didn't join us as he was feeling cold and tired.
14°, sun followed by rain later

For once we were up early but not out of choice. Christian had a routine check up with the cardiologist who upped his water tablets for 3 days and gave him another pep talk about reducing salt intake. We had thought to go on to Argelès for a walk but once again Christian was off the hook as it's still too chilly and windy.
Dined at Michel's this evening after I'd been to my p-r-o-n-o-n-c-i-a-t-i-o-n class and Christian and Jean-Jacques had attended the New Year wishes of the Mayor of a nearby village. Michel fed us on veg soup, spaghetti carbonara with apple purée and butter biscuits for dessert. "Simple mais bon"!
12° but chillier in the wind, bluer skies
Caught a report on the tv about the permafrost melting in Russia where many buildings, including a nuclear power plant of the same generation as Chernobyl are built without foundations, the logic having been that they weren't needed. Apparently the plant is shrouded in secrecy. Is this a scare story or should we be worried?

It's still windy and chilly so haven't ventured forth although Christian did make it to the weekly meeting at the Mairie. He brought back Jean-Jacques and Michel with him for supper in front of the fire.
12° but feeling colder
Of Note:
Shoah commemoration all day on the TV, this being the 70 anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and therefore UN nominated Holocaust Day

Now I know I've made it in village society having been invited to a "thank you for helping with the Téléthon" afternoon tea at Nicole's, the co-ordinator. There were at least 20 of us and the others, practically all Catalan, are pillars of village life. Quite an honour! If you lived here you'd get the significance of being included but as you don't, you'll just have to take my word for it.
Christian's examination showed no significant deterioration so I'm convinced the problem is more lack of use!
8°, cloudy and still blowing strong
Of Note:
Today has been all about Greece
  • The new far left Prime Minister, elected yesterday has been able to form a governement
  • Demis Roussos died aged 68
  • 11 French elite airmen with Nato died when a Greek fighter plane crashed at a Spanish military air base while on a training exercise.
At last a bit of social life and a very good meal to boot. Seven of us (us +Nany, André, Francis,  Nicole and Patrick, Michèle's brother who's a cardiologist) were invited to celebrate Henri's 75th birthday. Needless to say there was a lot of rugby talk but thankfully for Patrick's sake we avaoided heart problems.
9°, sunny, just as windy 
Of Note:
Scots the world over celebrate "Burns Night" with haggis, whisky, poetry and dancing to bagpipes.

Stayed home all day as even though it was 9° and there were blue skies, there were winds of 120km. Not good for someone with heart problems.

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