Friday 20 February 2015

Looking Skyward

Christian was at the Mairie this morning while I fiddled about on the computer listening to "Home Front", a Raddio 4  social history serial set during the 1WW. We then went for lunch at the restaurant at the end of which, the siren went off  three times, which is unusual,  and we saw the fire officer who lives next door shoot off at great speed. A short time afterwards a helicopter went overhead and looked as if it was landing next to the fire station. I'll fill in the details later as and when we get any info.
14° Sun and a light wind
PS. The airlift was for a young person had been seriously fitting. Maybe 3 blasts of the siren are for a helicopter call out. I'll need to ask one of the "pompier" who comes into the café. 

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