Thursday 19 February 2015

His and Hers Aperitifs

Resisted the offer to go to the restaurant for a coffee/glass of wine after the language exchange but went straight home as I wanted to finish the translation that I told you about a few posts ago. Got the job done thank goodness but still need Rowena to check it over.
As I was about to get ready to go for  an apérobio with Lynn and Ann, Jean and Françoise phoned to say that they were coming over for an apéritif chez nous. In 15 minutes flat we managed to cobble something acceptable together and on reflection, they ate better than I did. This time there were no extra touches, so we had to content ourselves with anchovies, cheese and cold meat. I'm sure that they've cut down on the quantity too. The mood was to have the next apérobio at the bar. Still, Sabrina did give Lynn and I a (small) glass of wine on the house but Ann, who by this time was on the tea, went without a top up. I've said "small" for the benefit of UK readers who are used to 125/250ml glasses of wine; here, it's chic to serve not much more than 2 fingers of wine in the bottom of a glass. There, don't say that this blog is not instructive! If you think that the photo should be entitled 'hubble, bubble, toil and trouble", you'd be wrong. It's just Ann, Lynn and Sabrina watching a tea flower unfold, that the latter bought in Harrods while on holiday recently. Lady Grey is fancy enough for me!
14° Sun
In the News:
Chinese New Year (Goat)

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