Saturday 14 February 2015

Valentine Treat

Awoke on Valentine's day to a beautiful sunrise which sadly the photos don't do justice to. That's why we were here and not for the shower which was impossible to drain and the lack of a plug in the wash basin. The breakfast was copious (consisting of just about everything that you could wish for short of a "Full British") and our table was next to the window with that view. Shame we weren't able to stay on as the hotel was fully booked but the sky had clouded over and Christian was feeling the cold so we headed straight for home and didn't spare the horses. After our splendid breakfast, we didn't need lunch but had thought to go to the restaurant for dinner. It was not to be though as they were fully booked. Contented ourselves with champagne and foie gras by the side of a roaring fire.
13° Cloudy in Spain but home to sunshine which turned to steady rain during the afternoon.
Of Note:
Mortal "terrorist"shooting in Copenhagen at a conference on the freedom of the press.

We were late getting off for our overnight down on the Costa Brava, finally getting to have lunch at "La Taverne dels Cargols" at 3pm. Even though there was a menu del día, we weren't offered it and you know how I feel about this way of treating customers. Still, we had a deliciously tender shoulder of lamb in an exposed stone traditional dining room.
The hotel we'd chosen at Empúries (where there are Greek and Roman ruins) and while we'd had lunch there we'd never stayed. The older part is in an Art Deco style but more recently they've adde some enviromentally friendly ground floor appartments. we stuck to tradition and a balcony overlooking the sea.
Arrived there at 5pm and once checked in, Christian went for a sleep which was interrupted by workmen banging and I went for a walk along to Sant Martí and took a few photos. Click the link to see them
As you'll see, the view is just splendid but the room was a bit jaded and took ages to warm up to our idea of an acceptable temperature. We had champagne both before and after dinner which was something a bit different. Christian had octopus and I had stuffed cabbage (which came at the same time as Christian's starter as I wasn't having one) but it was the desserts that were the most interesting. I had crumbled chocolate brownie scattered with curry biscuit crumbs and homemade vanilla ice cream. Christian had apple ice cream, diced blue cheese, fresh apple sticks scatterd with biscuits crumbs. It's a good job that we'd had a reasonable lunch as the portions were not designed for hungry souls!
18° (over the border), sunny spells

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