Thursday 12 February 2015

Which Way Venice?

12.2.15:There were even less of us at the language exchange. The flu and the need to fulfill grandparental duties are taking their toll. Christian went to the Mairie. In the afternoon, Maggie and I went to visit Nicole who's flat on her back after falling. Christian slept. This evening we watched tv and so ended a fun filled day.
13° Sunshine, cloud later

We were up a bit earlier this morning and were rewarded with a beautiful sunrise. A red sun that became large and bright in a sky that was rapidly losing its cloud and becoming blue.
Had lunch at the restaurant and then in the afternoon I went again to help make flowers. When you see the float (and it's not finished yet), it feels good to be part of it. Ah, such simple pleasures for we rustics.
14° blue sky, sunshine and cloud

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