Tuesday 10 February 2015

In the Bleak Midwinter

Lit the fire, started the translation and Christian had his weekly evening meeting at the Mairie

14°, blue skies:
Of Note:
An ex-Iraqi minister is putting Saddam Hussein's noose up for auction! Expected to raise millions

Christian was up and out for 8am to attend a meeting in another village and I thought to have a lazy mornind but Martine telephoned out of the blue to say that she was going to our hairdressers and did I want to join her. Leapt at the chance as I've been looking a bit like a scarecrow of late. Usually the place is like a fairground but Mondays are quiet and such was the case ..... that is until a team of three and their tanker came to sort out some blocked sewerage pipes!
15° though feeling colder, blue skies and sunshine
Of Note:
Hollande, Merkell and Kerry trying to broker peace between Russia and Ukraine

A nothing kind of day during which we stayed cby the fire and I attacked a huge basket of ironing. What joy! Luckily there was "Spiral" to catch up with.
Still cold

Had lunch at the restaurant and spent the rest of the day close to the fire in an effort to keep Christian warm.
9° Cloudy, small patches of blue sky with 5 minutes of barely perceptible snow

Started the day with a visit to the garden; do you remember that 5 us bought it to work on a co-operative basis but that the co-operation didn't last very long? The young man who was working it didn't last very long either and now Debra is interested in taking it on. Even when she saw its overgrown state she didn't bat an eyelid so it looks as if we've solved a problem. to celebrate we had a coffee in the bar. Came home and set about organising the photo album for the association and making a cake for this evening's "soirée tapas".
Despite the cold, rampant flu, rugby on the telly and the start of the school holidays, there were about 60 of us present dressed in red and black, the theme for the event.
6° Blue sky, some cloud and lighter winds
Of Note:
Zero Tolerance of Female Genital Mutilation Day http://www.un.org/en/events/femalegenitalmutilationday/index.shtml 

As we'd been to the restaurant yesterday, we didn't go after the language echange and so the rest of the day continued in the same vein, ie., nothing much.
4° On an amber alert for winds of 140km/h, even stronger off the coast.

Di, who's here on holiday for a few days, called in to see if I was going on the association walk this afternoon but I had to decline as there were more flowers to make. Can't remember how many thousand are needed. That's not my only good deed ... I've taken on the translation of a leaflet in time for the tourist seaon.
Today, the restaurant reopened so of coure we had to go .. We were the only two in.
Martine came in for tea then it was the French workshop. While there, I had a call to say Mum had fallen and wasn't well at all. Oh dear!
4° Cloudy and very windy
Of Note:
World Cancer Day http://www.un.org/en/events/cancerday/index.shtml

Jean-Jacques came for supper by the fire as tomorrow he's off to South America
4° Cloudy. Snow in the rain for about 20 mins.

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