Tuesday 14 April 2015

Getting Out

His Nibs came home today, driven back by Michel and needless to say was tired with the effort of walking after 2 weeks of immobility. After all that, there's no indication of what caused the anaemia. I bought some liver to encourage the red blood corpuscles to go forth and multiply but read on the net that it's not good for gout!!! You can't win.
Jean-Jacques called around and stayed for an apéritif and a few nibbles thus life starts to get back to some kind of normality.
22° sunny in the morning overcast and windy in the afternoon
In the News:
400 people coming from Libya drowned off the coast of

Yesterday Christian had a wee trip out to Argelès to see the cardiologist who found nothing untoward as his electronics are doing their job satisfactorily. No sooner were we back than Di and Robin turned up with some roses (not the kind that grow on you) and some strawberries which were delicious. You can really taste the difference between home grown and the Spanish ones; just as your purse can feel the difference. Linde  kindly came to pick me and my bags of shopping up from the nearby supermarket where I took this photo of all things Catalan.
24° Warm and sunny

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