Monday 6 April 2015

Not a Happy Easter Bunny!

Met up with Viv and Pepe this morning for a coffee and they kindly drove me to the clinic to see Christian as of course, there weren't any buses. There are lots of things better in France athn in UK but public transport, especially in rural ares isn't one of the. A way of supporting the car industry, I suppose. Michèle and Henri picked me up to stop of at the house for an apéritif before going to eat our way through endless pascal omelettes aided and abetted by Jean-Jacques and Margaret.
16°, Wind and some sun

Happy Easter one and all and I hope that you're enjoying the same blue skies and sunshine as we are. Started the day with a coffee at the bar before meeting Henri and Michèle to go for lunch
On the Menu:
  • Eveil du Palais (stuffed hard boiled egg)
  • La tartare de loup de mer à l'huile de truffes noires du Vallespir et son tarama de queues de gambas
  • Le filet de St Pierre rôti aux pointes d'asperges
  • L'agneau de lait Catalan rôti à coeur et son gratiné d'aubergines à l'anncienne
  • Le dessert Pascal: Mille feuille de chocolat praliné aux gariguettes du pays
  • Café and bougnettes  
Smart, pretty place but at 69€/head, the clientelle was pretty stuffy. Finally managed to get in to see Christian in the middle of the afternoon. His lunch had be chicken leg with rice. It's an unfair world but there were no sour grapes. Kathy came to visit so I was able to have a lift back with her to he village ready for an night in with the ironing, a dutiful call to Mum, a long chat with Jill which didn't leave my throat sore from shouting and some telly.
18° Sunnyand windy

Actually managed to get to the market this morning which needless to say was busier than usual, it being Easter weekend. Had coffee with David, Trevor and David's visitor John before toddling down to the clinic. Nothing much happening and you can only feel for our wee laddie.  Still, the afternoon was livened up by a visit from Kelvin, Irene and Margaret. Christian and I squeezed on the bed together as there weren't enough chairs for us all and believe me, that's the happiest he looked all afternoon. Slice of ham and dry rice for lunch; slice of ham and dry pasta for dinner. Well, is there anything there to bring a smile to the face of a man who enjoys his food?
I fared rather better having been invited to Kathy's along with Linde. Gilthead bream barbequed in a foil parcel accompanied by grilled veg. Fresh strawberries to follow. Forget the oranges, soft fruit is a-coming in!
17° sunshine and cloud
In the News:
Nicola Sturgen putting the wind up the English as it is feared that the SNP could hold the balance of power (subtext: wringing even greater concessions for Scotland from the Government) after the elections in May.

Christian now has a room to himself with a view of Canigou. The no fibre diet has started and it being Good Friday, there was fish on the menu. It's all horribly unappetising but seeing what he should be eating, it's a good job that he didn't come home as he would never have managed to stick to the rules. There were visits from Jean-Jacques, Michèle and Henri.
Out again this evening, this time with Margaret, Kelvin and Irene for a meal out on the terrace of the bar. Once again the till benefited from our custom and I benfited from some company and plenty of laughs. Came home to try and catch up with the blog but fell asleep over the laptop!
Had coffee in one of those filling stations that have been transformed into a bakery and coffee. shop, where Ann and I both succumbed to a Danish before going to see " his nibs" who was disappointed not to be getting home for the weekend. He needs to be on a no fibre diet before his colonoscopy on Tuesday added to which they still haven't identified his bleed. The transfusion he's had though has brought about a better blood analysis.
In the evening had a drink with Margaret in the bar where this time we were joined by Anne and Richard, also here for the Easter break. Christian had better come home soon or I shall end up an alcoholic!! Yet again another stunning  sunset enjoyed from our ringside seat on the terrace.
18° sunny

Gosh April already and it's lovely to see the trees with fresh green leaves and all the blossom bursting forth. A real tonic to boost us against our everyday concerns.
I'm now in a very settled routine taking the bus to the clinic in time to have a picnic lunch with Christian and getting the bus back at 6.30pm. Françoise called in this afternoon but it's not easy as Christian is still sharing a room. He had a gastroscopy today and a scan but nothing showed up. He's managed to persuade the Dr to let him out for the weekend.
We had our last French pronunciation class this evening and I was delighted with myself for finding the exception to the stress - on - the - last - syllable rule. Any ideas? Ok, I won't keep you in suspense as I can imagine your dying to know; it's lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi though not dimanche.
Hans had been insistant that we weren't to give him a present as he'd had one at Christmas so we took him at his word and gave him a souvenir card with which he seemed well pleased.

Thank you Hans
from your unruly but very grateful students of French pronunciation

Our lips will never be the same again after your lessons in oral acrobatics,
and neither will the reflection in Maggie’s mirror!
Apparently, the experience hasn't put him off from offering the workshop next year and we're even invited back. Now does that mean that he enjoyed our company or that we're still rubbish at speaking French?
Coming back across the square, I caught sight of Martine, David and  Laura in the restaurant and was invited in to join them. I didn't hesitate for a second
20° sunny but windy

Met up with Henri after his Spanish class and went back to his place for a coffee with Michèle who has back problems. After a quick visit to Christian, just around the corner, I went back again to theirs for lunch on the terrace. During my second vsit of the day, I mostly rested and once again took the bus at 6.30pm.
Another evening at the bar followed; this time with Margaret and then with Judith and Trevor.
While there, the sky took on irisescent hues to the delight of us all.
Weather :
19° Warm and sunny

Christian's GP phoned and told him to go to the local clinic at 11am. We thought it was a consultation with a gastroenterologist but in fact Christian found himself whisked off through the emergency admissions system. It wasn't until 6pm that he found himself on the ward. The place was busy and there was only a double room to be had and even the shower was on the corridor. Fortunately Christian's room mate was quiet unlike the bloke in the next door room who shouted out all the time. There had been talk of a blood transfusion but only obs that were taken.
Leaving Christian to be taken care of, I left to get the bus back to the village when on arriving, I was hi-jacked by a group of Brits (Roger, Debra, Val, Rob and Don) for a few glasses of red wine. It was just what I needed.
19° Sun and a little cloud, becoming overcast later.

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