Sunday 12 April 2015

Clinic Capers. Musical Moments, Exotic Eating

Coffee in the bar with Anne, who I don't really have much to do with during the course of daily village life but she seemed to want to have news of Christian and then went up to the village hall to give a hand at a book fair organised by a cancer charity. Gave me a chance to catch up with Penny and Hortense who drove me in to see Christian on her way home. Kindly brought me back too. Called in to see François from the village who's an inpatient on the same floor. Dominique came to see Christian. No lunch out today; had to settle for a red bean, pasta and cheese salad out of a plastic box eaten with a borrowed teaspoon as I'd forgotten my fork. You don't really need to know such minutiae do you but hospital visits don't bring anything exciting to write about. Just as well really, I suppose. Sorry, I'm waffling; it's time I went to bed but before I do I'll just say that once home I delivered the association's latest bulletin and had a glass of wine on the terrace of the bar with Lynn and Colin. "Bonne Nuit, à demain!"
19°, Sunny
In the News:
Hilary Clinton to run for the Democratic nomination

A lovely sunny day just right for a trip to the market. Started off with a coffee with David, Laura and Martine before heading over to the library for a jazz concert. Hans, he of the pronunciation workshop, was playing double base in a four piece band. The music was uncomplicated enough for me to invest 10€ in buying their cd.
Just as well that I hadn't organised myself with a packed lunch as Michèle and Henri invited me to share their steak and sauté potatoes.
Christian's foot is looking red and swollen and obviously giving him a lot of pain. Poor wee soul; he's starting to reach the limit of his patience and has told the doctor that he's coming home on Tuesday after seeing the cardiologist.
It's a good job that "The Other Boleyn Girl" is keeping me occupied as I stayed with Christian until 8pm and needless to say, time hangs heavy. I met Ann and Terry at Michel's rock concert (photo above) which was well received by an audience of about 120. The encore consisted of 5 songs so we certainly had our 5€ worth. Rounded off the evening with a hot chocolate back in the village. Not exactly very coherent with an evening featuring Jimi Hendix, Moody Blues and The Who!
19° Sunny
In the News:
Obama and Raoul Castro reaching an agreement on normalising relations. Quite a week for American diplomacy as relations with Iran are moving forward too. Now, what could be behind such a radical change in attitude? Answers on a postcard, please

Just for a change, rather than eat a salad of some sort from a plastic box in Christian's room, I went into Perpignan with Michel for a Pho Bo, a Vietnamese complete - meal - in - a - bowl soup. Apart from the lack of humidy and the noise, the restaurant/shop could have been in Hanoi. Tables squeezed in between stacks of boxes and sacks of rice with a cosmopolitan clientele, lots of hussle and bussle, lots of comings and goings.
While we were enjoying the tastes of the orient Christian was suffering an attack of gout brought on by the diuretics. Needless to say, he has yet another tablet to take to get rid of it. At this rate, he'll never get out!
21°, sunny
In the News:
Father and daughter Le Pen falling out over the latter wanting to distance the party from the former's outrageous statements which are a step too far even for the FN.

Had a lift in to see Christian with Nany as she was attending a funeral in the town and on passing the café, Henri, who was in residence, invited me for a coffee. Christian still on the pump and he is complaining of a sore foot. The return home went a bit pear shaped though as my bus didn't turn up so there I was sitting on the wall by the stop feeling all forlon wondering who I could phone for a lift. David was a good choice as not only was home and ready to help but there was a curry supper as well. A bit of tlc was just what I was in need of!
18° Sun and strong winds

Found Christian hooked up to a slow release pump when I arrived for my usual visit, in an effort to reduce his water retention.
While he was languising in his hospital bed, I and eight others from the association were making merry at a Danish evening hosted by Lone and Jesper. We were a mixed bunch - Irish, Catalan, French, Scottish and English tucking in to veritable feast of fish, meat, cheese smögåsbrod and cake accompanied by beer specially brewed for Easter. "Kylle, Kylle" is apparently the sound made by chickens in Denmark. There were even two different aquavits which we all courageously tried. Lone and Jesper closed the evening by encouraging us all to participae in the "Viking Challenge" that they were plannig to lay on for the association in July. Something very special though it is hard to imagine what could outdo their "summer sking of 2013.
18°, sunny and windy

Wanting to give Christian a bit longer to rest after his trip to theatre, I met up with Nicole for a cup of tea and a long overdue catch up. His colonoscopy showed up nothing; so, where is his anaemia coming from? But at  least he can now eat normally; not that that is anything to get too excited about.
As well as me, he had a visits from Marie-Jo and Jose then from Michèle and Henri.
Once home, I grabbed a bit of toast (I'm saving a fortune on the house keeping by the way) and headed over to the bar to meet Margaret for the last guitar evening for the season. Lone and Jesper, Danish friends joined us and we all sat outside drinking wine until about 11pm by which time it was beginning to feel decidedly parky. Still, the nights are lengthening and  just look at the wisteria that's popping up everywhere.
18° sun and wind
In the News:
"It's better to be rich and guilty than poor and innocent". Black man  freed after 30 years on death  row in the States. He could have been freed 16 years previously but Alabama wouldn't accept new ballistics proof. Asked if he felt bitter or angry, he replied "they have taken 30 years of my life, they won't take my joy as well!"

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