Sunday 19 April 2015

Trials, Tribulations and Gastronomic Interludes

A slow start; well, it is Sunday. Called into the bar for a coffee before heading up to the village hall to bag our places for a lunch organised by the veterans of the Algerian war. Needless to say, apart from a few exmptions (like Christian on health grounds) a whole generation of national service conscripts were sent off to to do their "patriotic duty" in this horrible, still devisive conflict. The association always puts on a convivial do though; plenty to eat and to drink with dancing all afternoon. The walk up took it out of Christian so he was all to pleased to get a lift back with Martine and head straight for a wee snooze.
18° drizzle, sunny spells at the end of the afternoon.

Warm sunshine and a pre-standing arrangement to meet Henri and Michèle in the café Christian was ready to brave the walk from the carpark to the market. His foot is still very sore and it was a slow, trying process for him. going back was worse as there was a slight incline. I hadn't the heart to say "no" to his idea of lunch in the restuarant. We used the voucher that Christophe and Valérie had sent for his birthday on the more expensive menu and sat in the sun on the terrace, to enjoy it.
An afternoon of tv for me and a long snooze for Christian was all we had the energy for after a 3 course meal with wine.
In the evening, I abandoned Christian to go to a concert in the village hall given by Jean, a Catalan, singer/songwriter. The group were in great form and it was midnight before I knew it. By the time I'd climbed the wooden hills, Christian had long since slipped into a deep slumber.
21° Sunny, light cloud later
In the News:
RIP Pascal from the village, who died in a car crash this morning on his way to his bar/restaurant.,2019665.php

A hastily arranged lunch out with Rowena. As Christian is slow to start in the mornings, I took the bus and during the hour's wait I had before getting the bus to the garden centre to meet Rowena, I wandered around the town, had coffee and bumped into various acquaintances. Funnily enough, one such person was Martine and low and behold she was about to head off to the very same garden centre. Sadly, the French haven't yet caught onto the shopping and eating potential of such establishments; there was no toilet, no tea tearoom, no unrelated purchases to make and it closes between 12h - 14h. We had to head into the town therefore for a loo and lunch in that order. While there, I took a few photos of Rowena who's raising money for "an "Action Aid" project in Mozambique where she plans to go in the summer.
Had lunch in Al Catala which as Rowena is allergic, fortunately had a gluten free menu. It was great to catch up, however briefly. Christian, who'd spent the day resting, came to pick me up rather than having to wait for the bus, nice wee soul that he is.
19° sunny spells, cloud and light rain showers

There was no language exchange this morning so we both enjoyed a slow start before going to the bar ostensibly to meet Ann and Terry. However, varied Brits turned up to say hello, "touch base" and find out the latest news. Wanting to keep to our Thursday ritual, we went to the restaurant for lunch taking Martine along with us. From there Christian went home for a siesta and I went next door to have my hair cut. Not sure what I think of it - a bit Angelica Merkel!
this evening, Jean-Jacques came back with Christian from their meeting at the Mairie for supper of mince with moroccan spices and couscous
20° warm, cloudy and an evening thunderstorm including hail!

A quiet day at home

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