Thursday 10 September 2015

Doing the Business

Back to the bank to finish off the business and left with my head spinning but came out the proud owner of a very smart black umbrella. Just as well as the early morning sunshine had turned to rain. Called into the lawyers too, bought myself a watch and then went for a coffee  before getting the bus back.
During the afternoon I spent a long time on the phone to Orange going round in circles.
I won't bother going into detail as Fidelma puts it so much better than I ever could.
Later on went to the charity shop with Maggie to take bags of Christian's clothes . Still more to go.
This evening Jean-Jacques came around after the council meeting for a catch up over a glass of wine. Quite like old times except there's no Christian there with us. Jean-Jacques misses him a lot too.
23° but going cooler with the rain

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