Thursday 24 September 2015

No Stress Here

Coffee at the bar then a lovely lunch at the restaurant. Spent the aftrnoon preparing papers for tomorrow's AGM and trying not to get frustrated by an incompatibilty between a "Word" document and an "Open Office" programme.
Jean, Françoise and Linde came around for apéros and a wee rehersal of "Bacassine", a song we're doing at Thérèse's wedding on Saturday. Becassine is a Breton cartoon character who was 105 years old in February of this year. Click on this link to see who I'm talking about
and on this one to hear the song
Don't laugh!
23°, sun and a little cloud

Two messages received about the blog being way, way out of date. Don't mean to worry people so should get into the habit of posting a "I'm fine, just busy" message. Maureen cooked us a tasty dinner and what's even better, there were leftovers to freeze for another day.
22°, sun, mostly cloud, wind

Coffee at the bar with Maggie then lunch at Michel's along with the local dentist.
23°, cloudy

Apéro chez Jean and Françoise with Jean-Jacques once again acting as chauffer
27°, sun and no cloud

Jean-Jacques took us down to Collioure and while he went for a walk, we had a stroll around the market. Met up for a glass of rosé opposite the sea. Once back home we rank cava at Jean-Jacques and had lunch at mine.
27° sun and no cloud

Bill left this morning and we went off to the market. Met Martine at the café for an apéritif and she gave us a lift back. Went for a walk in the afternoon, had a drink in the bar and dinner at home.
24°, sun

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