Friday 18 September 2015

In Memory of Christian

Awoke with an exciting evening in view. The renovated "Maison pour Tous" was being inaugurated and the expo/conference room has been named for Christian. I'm so pleased and of course very proud that he'll be a part of the village long after I'm gone too. The painting is a souvenir of the expo that's showing at the moment.
Andy and Maureen driven over from near Quillan by Bill, arrived in good time for the festivities. There was music from the village banda, apéro, food in the square accompanied by a group, guided tours of the building and of course speeches. André mentioned Christian with respect. The new top Civil Servant and the MP didn't attend as expected as a fire down on the coast which had resulted in the death of a woman firefighter needless to say took priority. Oh yes, I got to cut the ribbon into the room. I found it all very moving but managed to keep myself in check. Near tears turned to delight however, with the number of people who told me how pleased they were about the room. It would be lovely to think that he was watching it all. Click for more photos

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