Thursday, 17 September 2015

Quiet Times

13th - 17th September
Carmen and I have been struggling with "Guso" online payments for Christian's concert of last August. Going round in circles to end up paying as much in charges as was paid directly to the musicians. Still, not going to use up any more energy writing about something I don't understand.
On the social side, there was coffee with Hortense, with Ann and Lynn; a trip to Picard for some fancy frozen food with Maggie, supper with Jean-Jacques, a Téléthon meeting and getting organised for Andy and Maureen's visit.
The last few days have seen temperatures in the mid  to high 20's , sunshine, cloud and heavy rain on Tuesday .
Jeremy Corbin has been elected as Labour Party leader, pictures of refugees fleeing Syria continues to shock and "Stagecoach" is moving into France under the name of "Megabus" to run cheap travel under the Macron law now that long distance buses can compete with trains.

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