Thursday, 30 June 2016

A Week's a Long Time in British Politics

 30.6.16: Vivo México
Decided to have a day off from the language exchange taking it easy instead with a leisurely coffe at the bar. Made an Eton Mess (no reference to Boris intended!) for tonight.
There were 6 of us invited to Jacques' (Nicole S, Nancy, JJ, Michel and Véro) for a meal on a Mexican theme.
Margueritas , tortilla chips and guacamole
Chilli con carne
Pork mole
Passed on the cheese
Eton Mess
Nancy and JJ left earlier than the rest of us as she's back off to the States tomorrow and has an early start as does JJ who's driving her to the station.
28°, Sun and a rain shower
Boris Johnson withdraws from the leadership race as Michael Gove, his former ally, declares against him! Disarray in the Tory party. Only Nicola Sturgeon has any political credibility.

29.6.16: Another Serious Topic
Not a very energetic day though kept busy pottering around doing this and that until it was time to go to a presentation on Europe given by a guy that I avoid if at all possible. I'm glad that my prejudice didn't get the better of me as it was very interesting. If he'd been in the remain campaign he might have swayed the "blame Europe" voters and avoided the mess Gritain/Europe now finds themselves in.. There was an apéritif at the end; I don't know why I bother telling you as you'll know after all this time that that's how it goes whether it be called an "apéritif", a "vin d'honneur" or "un pot d'amitié".
JJ, Nancy and I came back to mine for cava and pizza from the new take-away that's just opened.
28°, Sun

28.6.16: By the Fountain
Spent practically all morning in the café. First to meet up with Nicole P, then with Nicole S. We were also joined by Jacques, Nancy and Hans. Jacques decided out of the blue that he was going to do a meal on Thursday and Nancy and I were in charge of dessert.
More blog in the afternoon.
Back to the bar later to catch up with Terry, Ann, Lynn and Colin. There were a load of very excited kids running around while their parents enjoyed a drink after sitting through their offsprings' end of term concert. Inevitably, André and Nany had been there too and they too were in need of a beer. We sat chatting by the fountain and listening to the rock music wafting out from the Music Room until common sense said it was time to go home ready for another hectic (!) day tomorrow.
29°, Sun
Vote of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn. Disarray in the Labour Party

27.6.16: Lakeside Lunch
A warm sunny day dawned, just ideal for lunch at the lake with Yasmin. We both had the tapas plate followed by ice cream. It went down well and it's on the list of places to take Reza when Yasmin can prize him away from the garden.
Rather than go straight home for the siesta that I felt in need of, I went with Yasmin to the Mairie to help her sort out a building  application. Couldn't have one after that either as Jean, Françoise and her brother, Jacques were coming for an apéritif. Completed our numbers with Nancy and very pleasant it was too sitting out on the patio.
28° sunny

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Food for Thought

26.6.16: Light Hearted Garden Party
Shared the usual Sunday morning coffee with Yasmin, Nancy, Marie-Louise, Françoise, Rosie and Maurice. Nancy and I then met up with Nicole P to go over to Nany's for lunch with 15 others. Lovely tapas style food, served in the garden. No particular reason other than to cheer up Henri who felt that he and Michèle had hardly seen them recently!
Came home to catch up with the blog and take it easy. The hot weather is pretty tiring.
27°, coudy

25.6.16: Serious Topic
Went to the market on the bus but didn't linger long prefering to come back for coffee here with Nancy. We were later joined by JJ who wanted to dot the "i"s and cross the "t"s for this afternoon's presentation. I stayed to eat a small salad with them and of course, chip in my 2p worth.
The presentation about sustainability in the face of climate change was Nancy's initiative and hosted by the Mairie. There were about 25 of us there and it is to be the starting point for more specific work next year. An apéritif followed but I stuck to water. Afterwards however, Nancy, Nicle P and I went to the bar and changed to rosé to lubricate our continuing but more wide ranging discussions .
29°, sunny 

Friday, 24 June 2016

Only One Topic of Conversation

24.6.16: A Sad Day
Well, the leave vote has prevailed confirming my fears. There was no other talk in the café this morning but it was touching how many pople wanted to know what it would men for me. 10% off the value of my pension tout de suite for starters!
In need of cheering up, I stayed for an omlette with Nicole P, Terry, Ann and Marie-Louise. Came home, fired up the computer and had a look at the Government website to see about taking French nationality. Ploughing through it, reminded me why I've been putting it off for all these years!
32° hot and sunny

23.6.16:Day of Reckoning
Language exchange this morning and of course Brexit was on the agenda. Couldn't help but smile when someone who's learning Catalan pronounced the "X" as Catalans do with a "ch" sound. My sentiments entirely ...... work it out!
Much to everyone's surprise, I took tea instead of rosé afterwards at the bar. I fear I'm going to need something stronger tomorrow.
In the evening the Café des Copines met at the bar before going down to the recreation ground for the "Feu de St Jean" which heralds summer - torchlight procession around the village, fireworks and a bonfire. Can't take the credit for the photos. It took Gérard with a tripod and a powerful lens on a super camera to capture them.
32° Hot and sunny

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

He's here, there and everwhere!

22.6.16: Hope you were listening, Christian
Woke at 3am with a painful wrist and had to resort to a painkiller. Went to the chemist first thing for a wrist support which at 40€, the chemist advised me to ask the GP for a prescription. , As before, (for my ankle) she trusted me to go back with it. The GP's is just above, so with my wrist strapped I went up and saw the receptionist who said she'd get it sorted; that was once she'd told me to try and stay upright. Hope she didn't think that I'd been over-indulging, cos I aint if the same thought has crossed your mind too. Feel sure that the two falls are due to tiredness making me inattentive.
There were lots of people at the vernissage. Laurent sang the song he'd composed for Christian's funeral, the Maire spoke reiterating Christian's generosity in all senses of the word and Marie (in the red dress) gave a lovely speech. Even if your French isn't that good, I'm sure you'll get the gist.

"Je remercie Ruth de m'avoir proposé de faire cette exposition .Je la remercie chaleureusement et avec affection.
Je remercie tous les jeunes gens employés à la Maison pour Tous de leur efficacité et de leur gentillesse ;
Je remercie Monsieur le Maire et ses adjoints.
Je vous remercie tous d'être ici présents pour l'hommage rendu à Christian L'Hostis.
Dans mes études, comme tous les latinistes, j'ai été amenée à traduire des vers d'Ovide, un poète qui prodiguait aux jeunes gens, garçons et filles, des conseils de séduction. Et il avait regroupé tous ces textes dans un recueil intitulé « L'Art d'aimer », titre magnifique.
Et c'est là que je pense à Christian, à sa capacité merveilleuse, extraordinaire, absolue, d'aimer la vie, de la croquer, de la déguster, de la savourer. Aucun mieux que lui n'incarnait cet art de donner de l'amour avec la générosité que nous lui connaissions. Et nous constatons encore une fois aujourd'hui qu'il avait aussi l'art d'être aimé puisque nous sommes tous ici pour lui.
Je ne me lasse pas de redire ces deux mots « L'Art d'aimer » et de voir dans l'association de ces deux mots la force d'Ovide. L'art et l'amour comme fondements mêmes de notre vie, comme bases fondatrices de nos êtres.
Ni l'argent, ni la religion, ni le travail, mais l'amour sublimé par la délicatesse et le raffinement de l'art.
Je propose à Christian la compagnie de ces femmes,des amoureuses,des mères,certaines mutines,d'autres sensuelles,rêveuses,les yeux perdus dans des infinis mystérieux et poétiques,toutes ces femmes avec qui il pourra bavarder et entamer la saison d'été.....
Merci à vous tous".

21.6.16: Spooky or what?
A fine day dawned for the "Fête de la Musique" and appropriately it was the day chosen to inaugurate the music room, on the next floor up from Christian's room in the "Maison pour Tous". It's been named for a young woman, a very talented flautist who died in a car accident in 2000. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that her birthday was the same as Christian's! He'll be delighted to be in her company. The Maire also mentioned Christian in his speech saying how much he is missed. Of course there was music; 2 flautists and piano who opened with Fauré's "La Pavane", sniff, sniff.
Didn't stay for the apéritif as I needed to shoot off for the Spanish groups' lunch at Suzanne and Gilbert's. I would have prefered to have gone home and rest but I knew they would have gone to a lot of trouble of course, I went. Tried to keep in the shade and not eat too much.
I did manage a short rest before putting in an appearance at the concert in the square. Sat with Yasmin, Ken and Margaret and was later joined by Jean and Françoise who'd come over especially. Was obviously feeling tired as I missed my footing and clattered down on my shoulder, wrist and side of the head. Luckily Marilyse had arnica in her bag which prevented too big a bump coming up on my head and once I'd got my wind back I went home to put ice on my wrist.
28° Hot and sunny

20.6.16: Star of the Show
Summoned up the energy to get to the "Maison pour Tous" to help Marie-Andrée hang her exhibition "Pour Christian" under the expert eye of Jean. Two and half hours later, all was done. Then it was back to mine for lunch with Jean-Jacques and Nancy. Michel was otherwise engaged. Apéritif on the terrace and a selection of cold meat and salads; the kind of meal that meant the work had been done in advance and I could benefit from joining in the conversation. The guests guarunteed that the topics were far reaching with a political bias so it ws good not to miss out. 
Just a quick recommendation, if you come across Thai coriander, a recent discovery,  buy it, plant it and use it salads and cooked food. The taste is difficult to describe but it will add something different to your dishes.
27°, Sun and blue skies

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Lackluster Weekend

19.6.16: Food with and from Friends
Feeling too tired to go to Jenny and Roger's party this afternoon though I found enough energy to go to the café. I ended up staying for just a one plate lunch with Nancy and Nicole without lingering too long. Needed to go home for a rest. Did a lot of email housekeeping which felt good and much to my surprise, Dani stopped by with a food parcel from the do. I'm too young for "meals on wheels"!
23°, sun and wind

18.6.16: Wear White and a Hat
Slept well but still woke tired and made a slow start. Managed to get myself to the 18th June ceremony with Yasmin and Nancy but only drank water at the apéritif afterwards. I did succumb to some cava at the bar's 18th birthday celebration. Luckily, the threatened rain held off so good for Jean-Louis and Eve for holding their nerve and not cancelling. Went home to eat and slept for a good couple of hours until Nicole P came by to "talk". Just watched tv until it was time to go to bed.
23°, pouring with rain first thing, sun then cloud again later.

17.6.16: Cool dudes?
Tonight was the association's tapas evening. What that meant was taking the necessary to the village hall in the morning and getting there early in the evening to set up and greet people. In between I met Nancy for coffee and tried to get a bit of rest.
The soirée had to be inside as the weather was threatening rain. Over a hundred people came and was a great success even though the theme for the evening "sunglasses" was a bit misplaced. If you're wondering about the guy with the carrots hanging from his head, he'd marked "rabbit sunglasses" on his headband.
Feel as if I'm running on empty and sadly, I didn't have any energy for people. One person even remarked that I was a bit "grumpy". He was wrong, I was very grumpy! Of course, there was the clearing up to do and of course, the President had already gone to take her husband home as he was fed up but there were other willing hands to help, thank goodness. Fell into bed exhausted.
22°, Cool start, warm midday, afternoon shower, cool evening

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Lackluster Week

16.6.16: Rain stopped Play
For once I gave the after language exchange apéritif a miss in order to go with Yasmin to La Jonquera. Started with a relaxed coffee out on a terrace and then did the shopping that we needed to do.
A thunder storm at 4.30pm put paid to our proposed neighbourhood get-together whih I wasn't that orry about as I'm still lacking in energy.
Called in to see Nancy early evening. JJ came by to help her with her computer and we all had a drink together. I then stayed on for a bowl of soup with her and long chats about the state of the world, the state of our personal lives and all stations inbetween.
23° Sun, thunderstorm later

15.6.16: Pastures New
Not 100% but feeling more like my usual self today which is reassuring. Had coffee with Yasmin in town and then we picked up her husband Reza, to go to the Laetitia for lunch. Managed a good salad sitting on the leafy terrace not bothered by the road just the otherside. Funnily enough, after all the years I've been here, it's the first time I've eaten there. Was better than I'd imagined.
The rest of the day went well too. I managed to get the Spanish podcasts downloaded and Jackie came for tea.
22°, Sun, rain in the evening

14.6.16: Food with Football Fans
Joined Nick first thing on his supermarket run and was home in time to have a coffee with Nicole P and Nancy who was meeting JJ for lunch. Refused their offer to join them.
Stomach feeling better in the afternoon which was just as well, as I was invited to Ann and Terry's for dinner along with Trevor and Judith, an Irish couple. The four of them plus several others are in a "fantasy football" league (look it up if you're remotely interested) and as Judith and Trevor had missed the awards ceremony, Terry did a very humouristic one specially for them. Even though, I'm known not to be the least bit into the beautiful game, there was something for me too.
23°, Sun and a little cloud but too cool to have the apéritif outside

13.6.16: Taking it Easy
Woke at 3am with red, itchy hands. Think I must have been bitten but couldn't see any puncture marks. Still, a cream that I had soon calmed the irritation and let me get back to sleep.
Coffee with Nicole P, Valerie and Nancy. 
Gérard called by with a few girolle mushrooms and more cherries from Jacques so omlette was my inevitable supper. Still not very hungry but slightly less tired
25°, rain shower in the afternoon

12.6.16: Intolerant Stomach
Feeling very tired but took myself to the café to meet the usual crowd.Christian stopped by with his son and I learnt that he'd thought that the meal at Angela's was dinner and not lunch, so by the time she winkled him out, he'd already eaten! You wouldn't have known!
Didn't stay for lunch; in fact gave lunch a miss altogether as stomach gently complaining. Just rested on the bed all afternoon.

11.6.16: Tolerant Hosts
Went into the market on the bus and bumped into Maggie with whom I had coffee and a long overdue catchup. tok the bus up amélie to have lunch with Angela and Paul (who have a holiday home there), a Canadian couple and Christian (who used to live in this village). We'd expected the latter to appear for the apéritif. After an hour Angela went to find him so that we could get on and eat. Have to say, that I didn't really do justice to the meal as I was feeling out of sorts. Too much to eat last night, too tired? Suffice to say, I'm not my jolly wee self. Could have happened at a worse time as tonight I was invied with Ann and Terry to have a bite to eat at Michel's. No appétit and not even interested in something to drink so I held it together until about 9.30pm when I bailed out.
Cooler and cloudier with evening rain

Friday, 10 June 2016

Brits and Boats, Paintings and Patriots

10.6.16: All in a Day
A morning walk, coffee with Nancy and Nicole P. Yes, you're absolutly right, I'm never at home to do any housework. Well, if your not out and about you miss some of the strange things that happen, like
 ° the comfortably off woman from another village washing her car using the tap at the cemetery,
°  a picture of the Queen gazing out from "the Maison pour Tous" advertising an English speaking pop up church service to celebrate her 90th
° a peacock strutting up the street in front of me
° Nicole V kitted out from top to toe in red, white and blue for the France v Romania match.
More mundanely, I helped prepare for the meal for the carnival  participants. Main job was peeling and cutting countless carrots into batons. No room for airs and graces in village life.
Evening rain

9.6.16: "Lively Colours to Freshen the Soul"
Another hot day, another language exchange and another apéritif afterwards. I resisted Gérard and Evelyn's offer of dessert or a drink as I made my way home past the restaurant, much to the owner's relief as she was getting ready to close..
Delivered posters for the expo, had a drink with Martine and Carmen in the other bar and struggled to download all my "Coffee Break Spanish" podcasts. Can recommend these as well as their French ones.
The brightly coloured skirt that I was wearing brought many compliments so when I stumbled across this quote, I wrote it down but stupidly didn't note the source. I can't tell you where it came from but it's relevant and appealing, don't you think?
31°, sun

8.6.16: Ahouy There!
Had another "early", (well, out before 9am early to avoid the heat), walk around the village.
Pottered (café's closed on a Wednesday) before a meeting with Nancy, JJ, Martine and Michel to talk about the forthcoming conference about "Sustainability".
At the end of the afternoon Françoise and I went over to Argelès to see Marie-Andrée to help choose the paintings for the exhibition she's dedicating to Christian. Of course there was an apéritif ooce the seection had been made. 
 As it was a pleasantly warm evening, Jean came down to meet us at the port for a drink. It was lovely sitting comfotably overlooking the marina and watching the world go by. Too relaxed to move, we stayed on for a bite to eat, served by a charming young man who was saving to go off to Burma at the end of the season. He'd already visited so as he wasn't too busy,  we were able to swap travellers' tales without him getting hassled by his boss.
30°, sun, light cloud later

7.6.16: Little England
Off early to a local nursery with Nicole P to buy something for Annette who had invited us to a lunch party.
Back for a ceremony at the primary school, commemorating France's teachers who'd died in the Great War. Don't know why François Hollande should have singled them out this year. Came back down to the bar with Nancy and Jean-Jacques before going off to lunch. Overwhelmingly British, the food, prepared by Annette's  friend, Roy was much better than the conversation! Luckily, Nicole and I had managed to get chairs in a shady spot which we guarded for all we were worth!
Took our leave in advance of most folk; Nicole to walk her two dogs, me to rest. Finished the day with tapas shared with Nancy and Jean-Jacques, who came straight from his meeting.
30°, Hot and sunny

6.6.16: Life's a Bowl of Cherries
Made a good start to the week with a walk around the village, took some photos of the exhibition and met Anne and Nicole S (les copines) for coffee. Nancy turned up too.. Lunch at home, spent time bent over the computer and voted for the new name of the reorganised Region. Languedoc Roussillon (Perpignan, Montpellier) is being merged with (Midi Pyrénées).
Jacques called around with a bowl of fresh picked cherries and stayed for a cuppa; they were delicious. The other day Geneviève brought me a bunch of roses from her garden; people are so thoughtful. Lucky ol' me.
24°, sun, cloud, late steady rain

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Feeling Tired, Keeping Going

Met up with Jean-Jacques, Nancy and Nicole P for coffee then lunch. Don't know where the othr "copines" were.  Uneventful rest of the day: Spanish homework, computer stuff, a shouted telephone call with Mother, a "steam train" call from Rowena and a boring episode of Wallander. At least there was a lovely sunset to counterbalance the Scandinoir.
25°, Sun, blue skies, some white cloud later

Jacques gave Nancy and I a lift into the market where we met lots of people and when to a photographic exhibition about Burma. Brought back lots of memories of the twice that Christian and I had visited. Back to the village for an apéritif and an afternoon overdosing on tv.
24°, Sun, cloud, rain and a little distant thunder

3.6.16: Active on the Association Front
Woke to blue skies which was a relief as the association was organising a boules match and lunch for 39 of us. I fetched, carried, took photos and spent time being nice to people, even those who I usually try to avoid.  As I wasn't playing, there was still time to go for a coffee and have a breather before helping to serve the couscous lunch. It was every bit as good as good as the last time. Made it home for 4pm and just flopped before being on duty again at 6pm to help organise the apéritif for this evening's vernissage. The association was sponsoring an exhibition of photos of the village taken by a 92 year old member. All went well and even Nancy who had only just flown in from the States, was there! Of course we went for a chat afterwards over a glass of wine even though I was feeling as tired as she was.
25° Sun

2.6.16: Funghi Feast
Language exchange and a very moderate 1 glass of wine afterwards. Came home for lunch. Feeling tired, but even so I worked on updating the website. It shouldn't really take precedent over "Chitchat" (I'm writing this on 26th June!) but I'm too old change my priorities.
Made some biscuits to take to Gérard and Anna's for a "mushroom" evening. They're great walkers and foragers so with the rain we've been having they've struck lucky on the fungi front. Jacques, Nicole and Geneviève were there too and there were more than enough to go around.
Feeling exhausted, once I arrived home, it was straight to bed.
21°, light rain later.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

No New Wardrobe

Plastic cards at the ready, Ann, Lynn and I set out for Figueres. Sad to say, it didn't even take a hit. Well, coffee, eyeliner and a pair of sunglasses, the sum total of the morning's efforts, didn't break the bank. Even lunch was cheap. 12€ for 3 courses and a glass of wine at Tony's in the old part of the town.
Zara in the afternoon turned up trumps for the other two but I came away empty handed and had to console myself with a cup of tea on the Ramblas before coming home as th erain started.
21°, Cloudy, some sun, drizzle