Sunday 31 July 2016

A Welcome Break from Routine

31.7.16: Stroll down Memory Lane
Prepared lunch then went for coffee with Nicole P, Jacques C and the family. A wet afternoon provided the ideal opportunity to look at old slides. Did a quick dinner then had apéritifs downstairs beforehand.
27°, low cloud, sun, thunder and heavy rain
30.7.16: No Vacancies Sign is up!
Market day wasn't much pleasure with so many people and the heat. We abandoned the idea of a drink there as the service was even slower than usual. Came back to the village where we bumped into Nicole P and her new grandson.. Spent the afternoon preparing dinner .
Family arrived 2 hours later than anticipated as their bike rack had fallen off the back of the car. Luckily, they were on a quiet road at the time and there was one behind.
For one reason or another we were all pretty tired and had a relatively early night.
30°. Day started with cloud cover, blue skies in afternoon but feeling slightly cooler.

29.7.16:  Respite from the heat.
Had a committee meeting first thing and then went into the bank with Valérie to try and unblock my card. Not possible; all that could be done was to ask for another code. It should arrive by Wednesday of next week. Remains to be seen! Stayed for a coffee and then had a quick whizz around the supermarket in prepartion for Christophe et al arriving tomorrow which means that there will be 9 mouths to feed.
Obvioulsly not functioning in top gear as I forgot that I had a hair apointment until Valérie remided me. Luckily, I only had to go around the corner and Jennifer managed to fit me in despite being 45 minutes late.
Came home and put my feet up, rested and then accompanied the family over to Maggie's as she'd said they could have a swim. As you can see, they were having a great time while I sipped G & T on the patio with Trevor.
Made do with take away pizza for dinner  and then went to the bar to listen to some music. Met up with Nicole V but I didn't stay long as the music was too dreary to waste precious sleeping time on!
30°, sun

28.7.16: Catering for all Tastes
Made an earlyish start for Figueres to search the market for a bargain; Hugo and Maureen were more interested in the shops with recognisable names, however. Had a sandwich lunch before leaving for the big shopping centre near the border. While I sat on a settee and read, the others dived in and out of the numerous shops knowing that there was no hurry
Went over to the bar in the evening where we met up with Nicole P for a drink. Tried my card again but still no joy. It's a lost cause which I need to get sorted.
31°, sunny

27.7.16: My Turn to Play Host
Went with Nick to buy cava. Well, you can never have enough. Problem: through not using my card here, I'd forgotten the number and used up two of my three goes. Resorted to my British one though paying in euros when the pound is so low, stuck in my throat a bit. At least there was another solution to coming away empty handed.
Coffee at the café with Nicole and then home to prepare for the arrival of Valérie and the three kids. Back story is that I thought they'd changed their minds about coming (thank you, Christophe!) so there was a moment of panic last night when talking to Valérie, she said "you have remembered we're arriving tomorrow, haven't you?" After a few splutters the game was up and I came clean.!

26.7.16: Buzzing
Oh dear, wasps are still under the eaves but as the nest isn't visible we need to wait until winter to get access and destroy it. Makes watering the plants on the terrace a bit hazardous.
Supermarket with Nick, coffee with Yasmin and the two Nicoles. Stayed on for lunch.
New hair style well received.
32°, sun
Priest in Normandy assassinated  in his church by a terrorist while saying mass.

Monday 25 July 2016

Happy Landings!

The flight home went without a hitch. Jet2 staff were pleasant and well organised. Even, the alarm going off at 3.30am was manageable. Nicole P was at Girona airport to meet me and needless to say, our first stop was for a leisurely coffee and catch up.
Lingered so long that by the time that we wrrived in Figueres, lunch time was upon us. So, with no further ado, I took Nicole to "Pa Volador" which impressed her with its mix of traditional stone, pleasant gardens and sumptuous banqueting hall. Food was good too and service attentive.
Home to a quiet evening and no horrible surprises.
33°, clear blue skies

Sunday 24 July 2016

Moving On

24.7.16: Making the Most of It
The frequent heavy showers didn't dampen our spirits especialy as we were off for Sunday lunch. In any case it was my last day in Scotland and I had to make the most of it. Today's destination was the Minishant Inn and it didn't disappoint.
Called in at the garden centre on the way home for some last minute tartan purchases to give my chauffeurs by way of a thank you. Sat up talking longer than was wise, given that I needed to be at the airport for about 4.45am but the case was packed and despite all my purchases it was within the weight limit of 22kg. Sad as I will be to be leaving Scotland and my good friends there, I won't be sorry to get back to some warm sunshine!
17°, cloudy, frequent heavy rain

23.7.16: Tally Ho!
Today, it was Colin and Sheila's turn to have the pleasure of my company! First, however, there was a bit of shopping to do.
Rather than stay in the town, my Prestwick pals whisked me off to Kikmichael to the pub there. We'd just been served our starters when  a party of 33 20 somethings descended in fancy dress on a country theme. Red faced farmers, huntsmen, gamekeepers, hounds etc, all with boundless energy. Apparently it was a Glasgow "Touch Rugby" club annual day out which involved "games" at every country pub they stopped in. All credit to the waitress who coped with them arriving 2 hours late for their shedulled drink stop which then turned into lunch. All very entertaining and I have to say the food was good too especially my haggis scotch egg starter.   Had a lovely walk through this quaint village admiring the pretty gardens and churchyard with its really old headstones.
Afternoon tea was next on the aganda so we headed for "Souter's Inn"  in Kirkoswald where once again we encountered our pub crawlers on their last challenge of the day. Part of the same group as the "Highgrove", once again there was a "fire alight giving out unnecessary heat..
Came back to Ann and Noel's for drinks, nibbles and even more chat.
19°, cloudy

22.7.16: Friends and Neighbours
It was cold, wet and misty whan June drove me into Ayr this morning to meet up with Ann and Noel who were shopping for this evening's soirée in M and S. A reviving coffee was a must before heading back for lunch. Yours truly was in charge of making a Spanish omelette which I managed to get from frying pan to serving plate without mishap.
It was great catching up with  Hugh and Kit, Angus and Maureen, Liz and Harry and also meeting the next door neighbours but it was strange not to have Christian there too.
19°, rain, dry later.

21.7.16: Sleep Over
Lazed around again for most of the day, going into Ayr at the end of the afternoon with Ann. A quick whizz around Bhs which is closing down and M and S before meeting up with Bill to drive out to theirs. He and June lived in France for a few years so apéritifs were ready and waiting. Bill cooked an excellent dinner while June and I caught up with our respective news. This holiday has been great for all the looking after and spoiling that's come my way. Laura joined us for dinner as we reminisced about our time as next door neighbours and life in France. This saying was on their wall and is another one that appealled to me as it rang so true of my hosts .
21°, sunny spells

20.7.16: Stay at Home Day
Woke to heavy rain and thunder so the thought of a relaxing day in was just the thing. Ann and I sat around in our dressing gowns chatting until lunch time and then had a lazy afternoon. We did manage to get ourselves out when the rain stopped to walk up the town and have a cuppa at a nice we gift shop cum gallery cum tea room. In fact the latter was closed but as the shop was still open and we didn't want coffee (the machine had been cleaned), they made us tea and chatted about their exhibitions. Of course there was cake to go with it and more unusually, tables to read. To explain, each table had a saying etched around the edge. My absolute favourite was " Live well, love much and laugh a lot". I'll try to take it to heart to spur  me on to make the most of life. Many thanks to "Many Thanks" for an unexpected moment of pleasure.
Back home for dinner and a quiet night in. R and R, just what the Nurse ordered.
Wet and chilly

19.7.16: Happy Birthday, Ann
Had a leisurely drive down to Troon where we first had a walk along the sun front. We'd planned to have lunch in the "Lido" brasserie but had not taken Glasgow Fair Fortnight and warm sunshine into account; there wasn't a seat to be had. Went to the Venice Café instead and indulged ourselves with bacon rolls. The drive over to Ann and Noel's displayed the Ayrshire countryside at its best. Just as well that I was reasonable at lunch time as we had dinner out at the "Highgrove" hotel to celebrate Ann's birthday.
The food was good. Sad to say the service wasn't up to standard, presumably staff were tired after the weekend's golf "Open" tournament, there was a fire (albeit an artificial one) burning away, presumably for atmosphere and when we went outside there was a poo smell presumably coming from the sceptic tank.
29°, sun and blue sky

Monday 18 July 2016

Going even farther North

18.7.16: Happy Birthday, Andy!
Slept well last night which was just as well as I had to be up and out to meet Anne and Blair for coffee at "Eusebi", Glasgow's latest place to be. We lingered long over our coffees and exchanged stories until the lunch time crowd started arriving and we felt that we could linger no more.
Anne and Blair dropped me off in the city centre and I went in and out of shops all afternoon, not even stopping for a bite to eat or a drink. Finally ended up having a sandwich on a bench in the sun at around 4pm. No, your eyes are not deceiving you, it was a lovely sunny day.
Andy was another year older today and neither looks or acts his age. You'll have to take my word for it as my lips are sealed as to the exact number oy years on the clock. Spent he evening over apéritifs and a good meal with plenty of laughs thrown in.
22°, sun, beautiful full moon.

17.7.16: Kindness of Friends
Good news: glad to say that the cough syrup that Emma gave me worked as my cough has completely gone; bad news: I knew I shouldn't have had a cup of coffee at the restaurant as I didn't close my eyes until after 5am. No exageration. Counting sheep didn't work  nor did watching tv on my ipod. Consequently, it was a very lazy start. Maureen brought my hair under control and then drove me over to Eamon and Liz's for a late  lunch with Brian and Marlene. It's soooo nice being looked after. Suzanne, June and Willie, Anne and Blair the other ex social work folk that I'd hoped to see were unable to join us though I think that Liz thought that they might turn up as there was loads to eat and drink. We finally left the table at 8.30pm! Brian and Marlene ditched the car, I got the bus and poor old Liz and Eamon were left with all the dishes and glasses. Seems somewhat unfair as they hosted the meal for me but that's social sorkers for you, ever ready to do a good turn!!! Non social workers are  free to chortle and splutter if they wish!
15°, cloud and rain showers

16.7.16: Demonstrating, Dining and Dodging the Rain
No Saturday morning lingering as there was an anti-Trident demo to attend on the steps of the concert hall in Glasgow centre. The steps have become an iconic site of protest but the Council want to demolish them as part of redevelopment plans hence an online petition to save them. I was moved to see a tricolour lain at the top with flowers arranged on it in memory of those who were killed in Nice.
Had a look at some of the shops afterwards then a light lunch and a trip up to the  terrace of the Theatre Royal for a sodden roof top view over the city.
This evening we took a stroll down to the "Salisbury" for dinner with umbrellas drawn and at the ready. Good food, charming service and a bottle of Picpoul made for a good experience. Oh yes, and needless to say, the company of good friends.
14° (!), cool and wet

15.7.16: Dreech Day, Hilarious Evening
What a difference a day makes. Today we awoke to steady rain and cooler temperatures. Went over to Andy and Maureen's daughter's for coffee and a fun time with their grandson who has an enquiring mind beyond his years.  Had lunch at home and a lazy afternoon before heading into the Westend for a bite to eat with Mags (a friend of Maureen and Andy's) and a show at the Óran Mór  
It was a great show "Doris, Dolly and the Dressing Room Divas", As Glaswegians would say " it was pure, dead brilliant!!"
Our neighbours in the audience, a group of woman feulled by a few bottles of wine,  were pretty entertaining too. We had some hilarious chat which was so Glasgow. Next week they're off to a 70's outdoor weekend for which they've stumped up £33 each on top of their tickets of £130 for access to executive loos. A far cry from my Glastonbury experiences in the 80's. Details of  the sanitary arrangements (a questionable term) are too gruesome to mention!
16°, chilly, wet and cloudy

14.7.16 The Auld Alliance
Normally, I'd be out in the village commemorating "Bastille Day" as the Brits call it or "la Fête Nationale" as it is known in France. Instead I was on a bus heading from Leeds to Glasgow. There were blue skies when we left the house to take the bus which arrived at the same place as I was leaving from. We  thus avoided the stress of rush hour traffic and the headache of finding somewhere to park close by. A wise move as it happened as there was an accident as we approached the city centre that the driver was able to get around by detouring through a housing estate. The coach was on time and I settled down (again with my ibook and a double seat to myself) for the journey that would take just over 8 hours. Some of you may be scratching your heads wondering why the bus rather than the train but quite honestly it was less hassle, no changes and there was someone to help with luggage. Jen had provided a substantional picnic and time passed amazingly quickly. There was only one stop of 45 minutes in a pretty run down part of Newcastle and while the waiting area was clean and modern, the only facilities were a few seats, a loo that cost 30p and a drinks distributer. I went for a walk around to stretch my legs and to fill time had a mocha coffee when I came back which was surprisingly good. Sun still shining but there was more cloud and feeling cooler.
Set off again, passing by the spectacular Angel of the North to arrive at my destination about 10 minutes late but in sunshine . Maureen was waiting and we took the bus back to the Southside  where there was a glass of wine (+) and a lovely meal to welcome me.
20° max in Glasgow, sunshine and cloud
A "terrorist" ploughed into revellers in Nice killing 84

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Going North

13.7.16: Genteel Fare
Set off today for Ilkley as Jen wanted to check out a brasserie where she was to meet some rambling friends later in the week. It was in a luxury retirement village  which was more like a holiday village than anything. Well appointed, in estate agent parlance. All comforts, tasteful design, a myriad of activities and absolutely fabulous views. We coffeed, chatted and then lunched on the patio despite the breeze.. Architypal "ladies who lunch" stuff.
By the time we got down into the town it was raining hard so we took refuge in "Betty's Tearoom " where we bemoaned the prices, feeling that it had gone downhill. If I remember rightly we had the same conversation the last time! Should remember that you're paying for the name (snob appeal?) and go somewhere else! Back home for dinner with an ever tickly cough and to pack ready for the off tomorrow.
16°, sunshine, cloud, wind rain

12.7.16: Up Hill and down Dale
Surprisingly, I'd never been to Haworth (home of the Brontes) before so it was a real pleasure to join the other tourists wandering the steep cobbled streets. Started of course with the vicarage (without visiting the interior) and soon found  a coffee shop with a view of the moors. Went in and out of the numerous little arty, crafty shops. While Jen rested on a bench, I wandered down to the park and found the "Coin Globe" made from 10,000 two pence pieces inaugurated for last year's "Grand Départ" of the Tour de France.
Skipped lunch as we were to eat dinner out and settled for a hot chocolate and millionaire's shortbread. Yes, I'm still in calorie overload mode!
Drove home through beautiful countryside as green as Warwickshire but with far less trees. Didn't have far to go for dinner at the Roebuck Inn or as it used to be known "The Spite and Mailice", so named for the rivalry between two innkeepers during the 1850's. The meal was excellent, service pleasant, with traditional decor and great views at the back.
17°, sun, cloud and cool breeze

11.7.16: Shorts, Sausage and a Siesta
A very easy start to a cloudy and rain in the offing day. Main item on the agenda was the big M and S on the outskirts of Leeds. I bought some knee length shorts  in the hope that the weather might perk up enough to wear them. Had a reviving coffee there and then went on to a garden centre for lunch. Believe it or not I was in over the top mode and went for the all day breakfast! By this time the sun was shining so there's hope yet for the shorts. Home for a siesta - a real one in bed which is very unlike me, getting up for tea, chat, dinner and tv. Starting with a dry throat and blocked nose probably due to the AC in the bus.
18°, rain and sun on and off
Angela Ledsome dropped out of the Tory party leadership race. Angela Eagle has declared v Corbyn.

10.7.16: Travelling through Historic and Industrial Landscapes
Breakfast at Margret's son Ben and his wife Kath's in Nottingham was programmed for first thing. Just one problem;
Margaret has a snappy two seater Honda and my case was too big for the boot! She had been thinking Ryanair hand baggage travel. I was staying for over three weeks with every intention of doing some shopping; not to mention the likelihood of acquisitions chez la Mama which was indeed the case (2 pairs of shoes, top, blouse, the one I'm wearing in yesterday's photo and a jacket).  A standing joke among my friends is that often when I wear something they like, 10:1 it's been one of her cast offs!  Says a lot about Mum's good taste, not sure what it says about me! Anyway, back to breakfast which was a full on affair: pancakes, poached eggs, mushrooms, bacon, sausage,  kippers, toast, marmalade, fruit juice, tea and coffee. That was certainly going to sustain me on my journey.
Ben and Margaret drove me into the bus station in Nottingham which was a pretty sad 60's affair with nothing open. Still, the bus arrived when it should and the three and a half hour journey to Leeds was fine. A double seat to myself and my trusty ibook saw to that. The sun was shining on "God's own country" as Yorkshire folk call it, and Jen was there to meet me. Spent the evening at home catching up.
22°, sunshine and clouds

Saturday 9 July 2016

Catching up with Family and Friends.

9.7.16: Family
Jill came over to say "hello" to Rosie and  "goodbye"  to me but we didn't get much time as she ended up sorting Mum out who'd decided to try and get in the bath. By bad luck or rather by not supple enough legs, Mum ended up knocking herself and bleeding profusely. She's such a brick, my sister, able to cope where I'd be a headless chicken. Some serious discussion followed about the wisdom of this bathing business which hopefully, Mum's taken heed of. No sooner was that sorted than Jill had to go off to rendez-vous with the family for a day out to celebrate one of  her grandchildren's birthday. Rosie and I wandered down to the café as she'd not been before. Sam, my nephew came over with his girlfriend to introduce her to me and to catch up with his Mum and Nan. So 2 out of three's not bad. It was lovely to see them and hear about their trip downunder, work and future plans.
In the evening we drove up to Loughborough for Maureen's party. She was 93 this year and wanted to get as many of the family together as possible. 21 came from Dublin, others from Scotland and London. If you've followed the blog, you'll know that she often comes with Mum to stay here and is as lively as a cricket. This evening was no exception. The group photos (not this one) were taken by the photographer to the royals (for the Sun) who's a family friend so they should be good.
As Rosie had an hour and a half's drive back after dropping me off at Margaret's where I was staying the night and the noise was getting too much for Mum's hearing aid to cope with, we didn't stay too late.
Margaret and I swapped news of the village (she has a holiday home here), her family and our respective doings over an obligatory glass of wine before turning in.
21°, sun, heavier cloud later

8.7.16: Supporting the local Hostelry.
Jill was my chauffeur over to Mum's today and we managed to get her to walk down with us to the café. A first! Next it was lunch out at one of the village pubs.  My treat to Christine, Mum's neighbour, who is very good about keeping an eye on her. Good food is served well in pleasant, traditional surroundings. While Mum and Christine drove home, I stayed to check emails and walk back to help fight the kgs that are trying to take hold after all the food, biscuits and cake that have been too hard to resist.
Rosie arrived from Wales and it was good to see her and catch up other than by email. Sadly, Chris didn't make it......
Before having a bite to eat Mum wanted to go for a walk to see the houses that had been built on the orchard that was once ours. There had been a lot of NIMBY fuss about them but they're in keeping and by the look of the cars parked outside, the neighbours can't complain about the "wrong sort" coming in!
After food, Rosie and I took a walk down to the pub to stretch our legs and  enjoy a glass of wine.
20°, sun and cloud

7.7.16: All change!
Managed to get up at the right time to make it up to Alison's for a hair restyle. It's short and has completely changed my look! Never had it so short but it will be great in the hot weather at home. Just hope that passport control let me through looking so different!
Took myself off to Stratford, this time on a more direct bus route to meet up with Karen who I first met while working in Birmingham. Afternoon tea was scheduled and we found a place with a garden and comfy seats. Just the thing. But there's a but coming ... too good to be true we were only 15mins into the array of goodies  which had taken a while to come) when they started packing up parasols and cushions from the seats around us. It was only 3.30pm and Karen was furious and refused to stay to finish all that was left. Looking at Tripadvisor we're not the only ones to have been disappointed.
We went next door to the "Fourteas" on a 40's theme. The menu came like an old ration book for those of you old enough to remember them. It was fun and the service so much better than the other one even though it was much busier. Pity we didn't have time to stay for more than a cuppa and cake.
In the evening, Mel and Paul called by and there was early birthday cake and more fizz.
19°, sun and cloud

6.7.16: Maybe Will ate here
What a numpty! Went to get the bus to go to Stratford and waited until I cottoned on that I'd not set my alarm to British time and was at the stop at 8am rather than 9am! Anyway, eventually made it;  Mum got on the same bus as it wound its way around numerous villages. Met up with Mary in the M and S café and after a leisurely coffee and chat, went to lunch at the "White Swan", a 16th century inn, which wasn't very busy.
Then there was a bit of shopping, on the way to have coffee and cake. Before you raise your eyebrows, we hadn't had a dessert expressly so felt thoroughly guilt free in going for something laden with calories. Mary kindly dropped us off; Mum at hers, me at Jill's where she stayed for a quick cuppa. An evening of telly and chat.
20°, sun and cloud

5.7.16: On the Stork's Flight Path!
Mum caught the bus into Jill's (pretty good for a nearly 87 year old) for coffee and then it was up to Alison's to meet John to go out for lunch. Off we went to the "Cherington Arms" and this time Mum insisted on paying. Good pub fare with a little plus. Some customers had pre-ordered snails and were very pointed in making it known to the rest of us.
Took Mum home and spent a bit of time with her before leaving to go to the solicitors. Business done, back to Jill's and had the pleasure of seeing more of the family. Two nephews and their families. Chat was plentiful, funny and about the two new arrivals; one due in a couple of weeks, the other, at the end of the year.
19°, sun and cloud
4.7.13: Big Sis and Little Sis
Down to the village café for a coffee before John arrived to drive us into the surgery for Mum's injection. While she was there as well as the tetanus, she had a blood test done ready for an appointment later on and had a good check over by the nurse. Who says that the NHS isn't working? Stayed with her in the afternoon and good old John came back later to take me over to theirs and a proper bed. But before it was wooden hill time there was some long awaited sister time and  a bottle of fizz to get to grips with
20°, sunshine and cloud

3.7.16:Such a Quaint Village
A lovely Sunday morning dawned with the birds singing and church bells pealing out. The sun was shining and there were sheep out on the hills; all in all, everyone's stereotypical image of the Cotswold countryside. Sorry, there's no sound to go with the photo.
Once Jill arrived, we took a trip down to the recently opened village community shop and café in what used to be the Catholic church.  Newspapers, groceries (think Waitrose), wine and lots more besides. The café in the new extension is airy and light with small wooden games on the tables, a book and dvd exchange and wifi to come. Jill spotted a book by her favourite author of the moment so I'll be back tomorrow with one in ecxchange to get it for her.Outside is a large patio with benches and tables.What a great addition to village life. If I lived there, I'd certainly be involved on a voluntary basis.
Jill and John treated Mum and I to a cavery lunch near Stratford after which we came back to the garden centre where Mum bought shoes! It's called diversification!
My goodness, it was hot; not at all what I was expecting. Came back home via Alison's to see the children and ended up taking Mum to the hospital as the cat gave her a really nasty scratch that bled a lot. A nurse dressed it but was unable to give her a tetanus injection as there wasn't a doctor available to write the perscription. That's for the GP to do.
Finally made it home and then after a cuppa and wanting to make the most of the sunshine, I went for a good walk around the village taking in the windy lanes, back paths, nooks and cranies. Called in to one of the village's two pubs to check my emails and have a shandy out in the garden.
28°, sunshine and white cloud. 

2.7.16: Leafy Warwickshire
Coffee this morning with Yasmin then a leisurely get-ready for my lift to the airport with Nicole S. The flight I'd been booked on last Tuesday had been cancelled due to an air traffic controllers strike so I was counting myself lucky to get on this one. The nothing out of the ordinary Ryanair flight taking me into Birmingham was on time. Jean and John were there to meet me and drive me down to Mum's. We first stopped off in Stratford to try and get a bite to eat but everywhere was full due to the annual "Water Festival". Appropriately the skies opened bringing a heavy downpour. By the time we reached "the Bell", the rain was off. Had a really good meal there with excellent service. Have to say, that the countryside was really lovely; rolling green hills, leafy trees and traditional villages with cottage gardens full of flowers.
Anyone know who first called Warwickshire leafy?

Friday 1 July 2016

Getting up to Date

Brought the association website up to date and then went over to the bar for a much later than usual glass of wine. Home for lunch and then brought the blog up to date.
Bending over a hot computer is not an ideal way to spend your time so a walk to the bar in the evening to listen to Laurent play helped relieve the knots in my back. Was joined by the two Nicole's though we didn't make a late night of it.
30°, sun