Thursday 4 August 2016

All Good Things Come to an End

4.8.16: Like a Bird on a Wire ( )
One family left at 10am, the other at 11am so rapidly, the house took on a different resonance. Rather than sit around in the silence, of course I went over to the café at noon to catch up with the language exchangers. Bruno and Christine, regular summer visitors from the Norman town that we twinned with stopped by  so I changed tables to catch up with them too.
Started to do a bit of getting the house in order but you know me, it was nothing too strenuous!
Was back at the bar in the evening to listen to some reggae music with Ann and Terry but didn't make a late night of it. Feeling a bit like the swallows in this photo that I took on returning home, I just wanted to get my head down.
30°, sun

3.8.16: Not Counting Anymore
Telephone calls, cards to open, a lovely orchid from the family but otherwise a leisurely day. Coffee with Nicole P and a long rest in the afternoon.
In the evening we were invited (the older kids stayed home to dine on take-away pizza) to Jean-Jacques's along with Martine for an apéritif dinatoire. Emma and Lisa became the best of pals in no time and entertained themselves all evening. Went down to the bar and while we had a night cap, they sat at another table playing cards for all the world like two grown ups. Parting from each other was a dramatic affair with never ending huge hugs. Methinks that the pair of them could have a great future in the world of theatre or cinema!
31°, sun and blue skies

2.2.16: Being Spoilt
The day started with a well woman appointment for me with the whole family coming along for the ride. While I was being poked and prodded ((all in order) they walked around town and were lucky enough to catch a Mexican folk group singing and dancing in the streets. The necessary having been done, the rest of the day was spent out together. Our first port of call was the golf course up in mountains  for a beer but to our disappointment, we couldn't find a parking space. Annoyingly there were two large vehicles which their owners either couldn't or couldn't be bothered to park properly that they were encroaching on the adjacent space. Headed off to the neighbouring village which we walked around before having our drink. It's only small but there's a lovely old church (consacrated in 1142), and narrow streets with such picturesque names such as "transhumance and contraband path" and "last muleteer street"
Lingered in the shade at the bar over cold drinks and then went in search of lunch. Driving through spectacular scenery we arrived at Tapis which serves very substantial meals and is a popular stop for tourists and locals alike.
Started with a bottle of cava, to toast my birthday, the family's visit, Maureen's successful baccalaureate results and Jean and Hugo who both did well in their end of 3rd year exams.
Next stop was the lake at Darnius where the kids bathed and I retreated to the shade complete with folding chair to read my book. Had a drink before leaving looking out over the lake - my idea of relaxation and the icing on the cake was the absence of queues when crossing the border on the way home.
After such a lunch, supper was a light affair though of course we didn't miss out on the apéros first. Rounded off the day with a night cap at bar.
A change of scene surrounded by family and not being allowed to put my hand in my pocket was a pretty good way of forgetting that there's another year on the clock!
32°, blue skies and light breeze at the lake.

1.8.16: Keeping Old Habits Going
A morning trip to the café (nothing new there) where I met Nicole P. We were joined later by Martine, then Jean-Jacques and finally by Jacques, Yaneth and Lisa who are staying with JJ. rest of the day saw lunch and a no-hanging about dinner at home as the kids went off to the (free) open air cinema laid on by a neighbouring Mairie. I just flopped in front of the telly with my feet up (nothing new there eithher) and was in bed before they arrived home..
29°, early low cloud with a breeze, blue skies later

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