20.10.16: A Friend in Need!
Took the bus to go for an optician's appointment which meant that I had quite a bit of hanging around until it was time. Occupied myself with a stroll around the town, a coffee out on the terrace of the "Pablo" while getting into Amy Tan's novel "The Valley of Amazement".
Upshot of the appointment is that I have a floater in my eye and the start of a cataract. The delights that come with age, eh? Met up with Maggie afterwards and we did a bit of supermarket shopping.
This afternoon, life took on a rosier hue; Jean-Jacques came to the rescue with the name of an electrician. Whatsmore, his father who I know from social events in the village is happy to work as project manager and assemble all the quotes etc. His son has done work at the Mairie so I've confidence that he'll treat me right given my connections.What a weight from my shoulders when JJ said he'd set it up for me.
Soaked the ingrediedients for the Xmas cake that I'm making as usual for the "Téléthon" and went over to Margaret's to finalise our accomodation in Portugal.
Arrived home to find this lovely bouquet from Suzanne by way of a thank you for her visit. Given that I hardly fed them, it was a very generous gesture indeed!
19°, sun
19.10.16: In Need of Refreshment
No possibility of lingering this morning as I had an early appointment at the hairdressers. did a bit of admin for the association and then went with Yasmin to help her register with a doctor. Not a patient soul is our Yasmin, she got fed up of waiting, preferring to go for a coffee and a cake instead.
In the afternoon it was a visit to Perpignan with Nicole S and a cup of tea in a very nice "Salon de Thé" surprisingly at the Auchan commercial centre https://top10cafes.fr/02075959/La_Cafeti%C3%A8re_Catalane_-_Porte_dEspagne
Home to do some more admin and watch some more telly.
19°, sun and blue skies
18.10.16: In Need of a Boost
Felt too tired to go to Spanish so decided to to try and catch up on some rest. felt a bit more energetic in the afternoon so toddled up to Jany's to retreive my glasses and prepared for the appointment wit the woman from the ANAH to talk about a grant to help improve energy saving in the house. She was extremely kind but nonetheless, my head was spinning by the time she went. Feels all too much and am tempted to abandon the idea as there seems so much to do by the end of November.
A trip with "les copines" to the local nursery to buy pansies and a cup of tea afterwards helped restore my morale. even so, I only had enough energy to watch tv in the evening.
19° Sun, cloud
17.10.16: In Need of a Holday
Started off by making dessert for dinner tonight.
Don't laugh! I'm the most unlikely candidate for a fashion parade but the one I've voluntered for (Téléthon/Children in need event) is a humouristique one . Like the one with the amazing hats a few years ago, Jany is the director. Yasmin and I went over to her place this afternoon to see about costumes. I'm Feather Woman; me a bird of paradise?? Can only do my best.
Home for an hour and then over to Margaret's with Nicole to reserve our accomodation in Portugal. Didn't manage it all but at least the first two nights are organised.
Then it was on to Jean and Françoise's to celebrate Jean-Jacques ' birthday along with Jacques. 8 years older than me and he had more stamina at the end of the evening than I did!
21°, sun
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