Friday 24 March 2017

A Dip in Temperatures

24.3.17: Not Yet Ready for the Great Bake Off
Woke to a dull, miserable wet day; a coffee at the bar with the two Nicole's, Patricia, Yasmin was a quick way to lift the spirits.
In the afternoon, I was invited to Jackie's for tea for which she'd made a very plain cake that wasn't quite cooked in the middle; not that I'm one to complain where cake is concerned. Even came home with a piece. Cheered it up with some jam and cream and ate it as a dessert in front of a blazing fire.
13°, heavy rain

23.3.17: Birthday Suit
Didn't go to the language exchange as Michaël had said he'd come about the computer. There's now a problem with the mouse and wouldn't you know, it's only been a couple of weeks since I gave a couple of spare ones away. Made a cake for this afternoon's tea with Anne and Nicole P.
This evening I went with the neighbours to see the German film "Toni Erdmann"; it was a long one, a bit strange but surprisingly funny. The scene where the lead female tried to pass off her answering the door to her collaegues who'd been invited to a birthday party without her clothes on as "team building" deserves 10/10 for creativity. Didn't see the time pass. Everone came back to mine for a beer and cake.

22.3.17: A Bit of This, a Bit of That and Not Much Else
No sign of either the electrician or the computer guy so a coffee with Hortense at the bar was most welcome. Did some paper flower repairs as some were looking a bit jaded after the float's two outings. The float, too,  needed a bit of attention as the solemn-faced tractor driver had taken a corner too tightly.
Went and paid the carpenter's bill, fought with my "Chromecast" which keeps disconnecting and just foutered in general.
16°, sunny but chilly

21.3.17: 1st day of Spring?
Genevièvre came to go over the translations I'd corrected and once we'd slogged our way through it all I went to the bar for lunch with JJ. It was as cold inside as it was outside. No sign of the guy who's trying to sort the spare computer but the carpenter has already been and left the bill for the door in my letterbox.
There were only 3 of us for this month's "apérobio" and glory did it feel cold in the bar. Didn't stay on too long preferring to go home and curl up under a blanket on the settee. Of course, I'd switched off the storage heaters when I went to Paris and this dip was something I'd not expected.
17° cloud and chilly than the temperature would suggest. I can just hear those of you in UK saying "what's she complianing about?"

20.3.17: Equinox
Stayed home all day doing a translation while the electrician worked away and the carpenters came and fixed the door. you've no idea what an amazing thing it is to have work people turn up so quickly and whats more when they said they would. Watched "Suite Française" this evening. Sad.
Still, who could not be happy as we move into longer days?
22°, sunny

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