Sunday 19 March 2017

Carnival, Carpentry and Chilling Out

19.3.17: Happy Birthday, Little Sis!
Had coffee then lunch at the bar with the two Nicole's. Came home, pottered and phoned my little Sis as today was her birthday.
22°, blue sky.

18.3.17: A Pair Wins
Went into the market with Maggie and had coffee with Hortense and Saskia then another one back in the village. There was a chripy group of cyclists there taking a break before they tackled the slopes out of the village on the "Voie Verte". Had a quick lunch at home and then got ready for the carnival in Céret.
There didn't seem as many people as last year but the atmosphere was good and we won a prize which was encouraging. No comments about the get-up, please.
We all had tired legs after two circuits of merrymaking around the town so once back in the village we went for a welcome cuppa at the bar where we saw Wales lose in the dying minutes against France at rugby . Another evening of tv, this time with my feet up.
29°, sun

17.3.17: A Bit of Bonding
Coffee with Nicole S and a walk up to the carpenter's to see if they could come and sort out the back door that normally opens onto the street but that has been stuck for a few months now. The need to water the pots on the other side has stirred me on to get it sorted. The photo is taken on the way back. Pristine snow on Canigou, a joy to behold.
The carnival group had organised a lasagne meal at lunch time for a last bit of bonding before its second outing. As usual it was an opportunity to eat far too much.
Went to a vernissage in the evening and then went home saying that I'd venture forth later for the St Patrick's night at the bar. It was all talk though. Stayed home quietly with a bowl of soup and the telly.
22°, blue skies

16.3.17: Back in the Old Comfort Zone
Straight back into the swing (I actual think I mean the mundane rather than "swing") of things with a trip to the Language Exchange. There was a very pleasant French woman there who decided on the spot to become a member. Treated Jacques and Nicole P to lunch at the bar, went to the supermarket and had a drink with JJ in the evening.
18° sun

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