Monday 6 March 2017

Dodging the Rain

6.3.17: Somewhere over the Rainbow
I'm such a sucker! Ended up doing a translation (fortunately only a page) for someone who needed it within 48 hours even though I'd not packed or organised my departure tomorrow. Luckily, I'd already been out for my coffee. Took this photo on the way back as yes, the rain is back. There's always something magical about rainbows even when they're not the most colourful. if you look hard enough, you'll see this one.
Cloud and rain

5.3.17: "Are you being served?
As usual, the weather gods shone (literally) on us during our al fresco tearoom where the men donned their aprons and served the women tea, coffee, hot chocolate and cake. Of course, several men accompanied the women in their lives and also benefited from waiter service and homemade cake. Think next year I'll insist that the men get up and serve themselves. The other annoyance was a solitary car left where we set up despite police notices prohibiting parking. There's always one but at least the owner was very apologetic when he realised what a nuisance he'd been.
Had many a thought for Christian as normally he'd have been there serving and today would have been his birthday.
For a change from eating at the bar, Nicole S invited Jacques and myself for lunch at "Can Nadal" as it's her birthday tomorrow. Nice setting and a good meal.
16°, Sun, with just a couple of spots of rain

4.3.17: Preparing for "tomorrow"
There was overnight rain so there was no point in hurrying to get out to go to the market.
  • Helped Maggie load her van with all we need for tomorrow, 
  • Came home and made a cake for tomorrow 
  • Fumed over a computer glitch
  • Overdosed on the "Borgia" box set infront of the fire.
13°, overnight rain, cloud, sun, cloud, heavy rain.

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