Wednesday 29 March 2017

Doesn't Feel as if Much has been Happening but it has

29.3.17: So Far, So Good.
 Made it for the blood test, paid the electrician (gulp, gulp) and started to teach myself how to use "excel" on the computer. I know it will be hard for those of you in UK to imagine but I was able to access and print out my test results this evening. Pleased to say that this girl has a strong constitution; everything was normal. Just two more to go.
22°, blue skies

28.3.17: Brain not in Gear
Should have gone for my blood test to check that the antibiotics that I'm taking aren't doing more harm than good. I was half way through my porridge when I remembered I needed to be "nil by mouth"! Luckily, I hadn't had a wasted journey by bus only to look stupid in front of the lab staff. So, instead, as there was no other excuse to hand, I walked round to the church for a funeral. Had coffee afterwards with Nicole and stayed for a lunch of steak and chips, a French favourite.
Nick came in the afternoon to put the Association website onto the upstairs computer, then it was Bruno to finalise the order for my new windows and then JJ for an apéritif. So strange not to be sharing a bottle of cava with him.
19°, sun

27.3.17: Committee, Coffee and Computer
Association committee meeting first thing, coffee with Loli and work on the computer. Not a very interesting day but how nice it is to have a longer day. An unoriginal day with an unoriginal post title.
17°, sunny

26.3.17: You Win Some, You Lose Some
The clocks changed last night so there was less time to linger in bed. As usual, I went for a coffeee to the bar. All was pretty quiet and Françoise didn't even go on about our lack of discipline. Eve wasn't very happy as she only did 3 meals in the evening and "Tio, Tio" went by the other bar but not hers. Oops!
Had lunch outside with Nicole S and Patricia and in an effort to show some solidarity, I opted for the lasagne which had been on last night's menu even though I knew it wasn't going to be that good. How did I know? Well, I've had it before and it was very dry. Took the precaution of asking for ketchup to go with it which puzzled Eve. It helped a bit.
In the evening the three of us and Yasmin went to a Gospel Concert which wasn't very good either. Afterwards we went to a local bar where we joined, Liz (Hortense's friend), Helle and two other Norwegians. Helle is due to go into hospital next week for breast surgery so there was a lot of support current and promised.
Sunny but feeling a bit chilly

25.3.17: Doing the Rounds
Didn't go to the market as I needed to save my energy for this afternoon's carnival. Yaneth and Lisa had come down from Paris especially for the event. Did lunch for them along with JJ. Kept it simple: pasta with a smoked salmon sauce, salad, cheese and strawberries.
Luckily for us, the cloud gave way to sun so twice around the village went well; well, that is apart for Martine. She fell over, landing on the hand that had recently been operated on but as if that wasn't enough, a large bloke who went to help her up, fell as well landing on top of her. End result, a wrist fractured in two places. Otherwise, the rest of us had a lot of fun on the way round even if RSM Françoise kept trying to lick us into shape! Like last year, we won 1st prize and just as the winners (in fact everyone received a prize) were being announced, the rain came on so Nicole and I went down to the bar for a tea.
Didn't do "Tio, Tio", a tradition where folk dress up like Wee Willie Winkies and process at dusk with candles to burn the King of the Carnival. This year, he bore a remarkable resemblance to Donald Trump. I just went up to the village hall to listen to the Banda and to have an apéritif. Settled for a coke which was absolutely awful. I'll stick to water until I can have a cava.
Cloud, sun, rain

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