Friday 3 March 2017

Taking Care of Mind and Body

Twenty of us set of for a car rally that took us to Le Boulou where people come to take the waters (paid for on the National Health Service) and where there was a famous battle between the French and the Spanish. Such a shame that the winds coming in from the sea were blowing fiercely and the low lying cloud meant that the views which are normally fantastic were masked. Still, it was both educative and good fun even though the team I was in didn't win.
Had lunch at a local auberge and then came back and made a few flowers. This evening there was dinner for no reason in particular, at Gérard and Anna's at the end of the street . Couldn't really do justice to it though I did find room for the lemon drizzle cake that I took for dessert.
14°, chilly in the strong winds
Went to an interessing talk this morning organised by Jean and Françoise for older school students and as many of the public who could find a seat. It's a yearly event and provides quality speakers with national/international reputations. Somehow they agree to come for just their expenses. Quite a coup for the town. This time it was a paleontologist Pierre - Olivier Antoine who has worked primarily in the Amazon.  who happens to be a friend of my neighbour, Jacques. He was excellent and really held the attention of his audience.
There was lunch afterwards for about 20 of us at Al Catala then it was back home for a hair appointment and a catch up on the blog.
18°, sun but still feeling chilly

Bumped into Maggie in the village and went for a coffee. Kindly, she offered me a lift to Amèlie for my well woman appointment as the buses weren't very convenient. That meant that I had a bit more time at home to try and put a bit of order back in the cave. Dominique came and sorted one door that wouldn't shut but didn't want to tackle the door leading onto the street that is impossible to open. Oh, it all comes at once, doesn't it? It's the same for everyone so there's no point in feeling sorry for myself.
Appointment was fine; well, as much as such an appointment could be. The gynaecologist  is retiring and unfortunately she has been unable to find a replacement so I'll need to go elsewhere next year. Perpignan probably.
Went to the twinning meeting this evening but decided against going on to the one on "smart meters" later on. There's quite a lot of suspicion about them here but I just couldn't be bothered. after missing the meeting on pesticides as well, the few environmental credentials I have are rapidly going down the drain!
17], chilly in the morning but warmer in the sun later on

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