Thursday 30 November 2017

Winter's Here

30.11.17: Cold Feet and Red Noses
Oh my, god, what brave souls we are. It was so cold this morning making our attendance at the market with our accessories stand for the Téléthon a real act of penance. Things kept blowing away because of the wind; at one point some of the jewellery on the easle blew into the canal. The grid was too narrow to get your hand down and too heavy to lift, so yours truly went on her hands and knees armed with fire tongs to fish the stuff out. No easy task, I might add but probably a bit of a laugh for the onlookers. We make 60€ and the hot chocolate was a bit of recompense. As, indeed was the bowl of chips that I shared with Ann and Terry afterwards.
Attacked the cleaning when I came home thus by the time I sat down for my pot of tea, the place was looking better and I was feeling less ashamed.
9°, sun, cold wind

29.11.17: Boring Day
Got up later than usual, contemplated the need to clean up the white cement dust left after the work and did some furniture moving before taking the bus to Perpignan for a rendez-vous. Continued the furniture moving this evening in my head meaning I didn't get to sleep until after 3am. Don't even know why I'm bothering to record such a dull, uninteresting day but there you are, OCD kicks in.
13°, sun, feeling a lot chillier

28.11.17: A Place in the Sun
Took the bus to Perpignan with Lynn and Ann and had another a goodly walk which took us from the bus station to the centre of town. Can't be too smug about it as we stopped halfway at La Rotunde for a hot chocolate served by really nice staff.
Visited the two new chic indoor food markets, "Les Halles Vauban" and the "Carré Arago"
Wandered through the old town without doing any shopping, essentially, to find somewhere to eat. Finally settled on "Déclic" on the Place de la République where we were able to soak up the sun and marvel that the end of November could be so warm.
Had tea in the Café Catalogne on the way back and found that the proprietor, who recognised me, is the daughter of a woman from the village. Nice place; seems tripadvisor crtics are in agreement, so will have to try a lunch there sometime.
This evening as there wasn't a meeting at the Mairie, JJ entertained me rather than vice versa. Pizza and of all things, a bottle of champagne even though there was nothing special to celebrate.
There were celebrations, however, in the bar where Kevin was celebrating his birthday by playing music with another guitarist. Have just googleded him and while he gives the impression of being an ageing rock star, apparently he is. Would seem also that he's an ageing rock star who muddles his which with his witch (biography page). Should I point it out to him? Would he even care?
Sat with a group of Brits who were there to eat and listen and who had already been enviegled into buying his new cd. Had to laugh when I looked around and wondered what a Martian looking down at us would make of such an incongruous staid looking lot of pensioners. Don't include myself in this description, of course.
Once the group had left for home, I stayed on talking about films, music and life with Jacques, the patrons and Jean-Vincent, the other guitarist. Called it a day at 1am.
16°, but feeling warmer under the blue skies

27.11.17: This, That and Not Much Else
Committee meeting at 9am followed by a coffee at the bar with Nicole who had just been initiated in the delights of Association business.
Dominique, my neighbour came by to see about sticking down my loose tiles; or rather I should say tiles on the stairs as I don't think I'm not that far gone yet! Went into theirs for a cuppa and catch up.
Spent the rest of the day doing nothing other than this and that.
13°, sun

26.11.17: Blowin' in the Wind
Usual Sunday trip to the bar this morning where we were a bit thin on the ground even though Françoise had come over for coffee.
Then there was a very windy walk over to Flo's for lunch; no complaints, the exercise  did me good. Nicole S arrived a bit later. Curry and discussion were on the menu after which with the wind even stronger, I was pleased to accept Nicole's offer of a lift back. A quick pause at home and then I walked across the square for a Gospel concert in "Christian's room".
Had a wine at the bar afterwards before another night in front of the tv.
11°, blue sky, strong wind

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