Friday 2 February 2018

Big Screen Pleasure

2.2.18: A Good Film without leaving Home
Had a good sleep until the phone rang, that is. Went for coffee with Nicole and stayed on to join her for a bite to eat. Made some flowers along with Florence and then met Michel to look at some photos for a possible exhibition. Went back to his place to have a cuppa before meeting an English guy and his Bulgarian wife to tell them about the association. Very interesting and friendly people who want to get involved in village life.
Back home, I travelled far and wide and in time with the aid of the tv. From the Carribean to Lebanon, from 14th century France during the time of the Templars to 21st century Ireland to witness the struggles of a priest. If you haven't seen it, "Calvary" starring Brendan Gleeson, is another good, thought provoking watch.
8°, cloud with some sun at the end of the day. Cold wind

1.2.18: Health Ups and Downs
Feeling better and am shaking off the cold very well. Language exchange, followed as usual by a cuppa at the bar. Spent a couple of hours making paper flowers for the carnival before my GP appointment. Nothing serious; just wanted to get an update on my toe nail. I've to get another analysis done in a couple of week's time. It's already a year since I've been treating it. Also found that I have a verruca (goodness knows where that came from) and some red skin on the sole of my foot which I need to keep an eye on it in case it's another mycosis. I'm really getting fed up with it all.
Thank goodness, that there was a trip to the cine club in the evening to give me something else to think about. "The Nile Hilton Incident" is well worth seeing as it is indeed thought provoking.
10°, cloudy, showers

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