Wednesday 28 February 2018

A Cold End to the Month

28.02.18: A "Stay in the Warm" Day
Treated myself to a late start and a day in doing nothing more strenuous than some catching up on the association web site.
8°, snow in the rain

27.02.18: Braving the Cold
Took a trip with Martine to Figueres; her to find a devil's outfit for the carnival and me to try on the red shoes that I'd seen last week. Martine found what she wanted but sadly the shoes that were left were not in my size and as I'm too stubborn to look at other colours, my money stayed in my pocket.
Goodness, it was cold and unsurprisingly, there were fewer stall holders than usual. Even so, we braved the weather to have a walk around in order that Martine could discover some unknown nooks and cranies.
For the second time in a few days, lunch was taken at Lizzeran accompanied by a cheeky little glass of cava.
Stopped off at La Jonquera to have a quick look at shoes there but to no avail. Beat a retrait back home where I made some red pepper soup to share with JJ after his meeting at the Mairie.
5°, blue sky

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