Thursday 22 February 2018

No Need to Cook

22.2.18: Encore au Restaurant
Slipped out of the language exchange early so that I could catch the bus to meet Madeleine for lunch. We'd settled on "Le Jardin" which I hadn't eaten in since it had changed hands. Have to say that the interior is now far more inviting and the food was excellent which with a sophisticated presentation at 14€ for two courses is great value.
Spent an hour in the library before taking the bus back to the village and a carnival meeting.
8°, sun, blue sky, cold wind

21.2.18: Au Restaurant
I've been talking about taking Dani and Brian for lunch for ages but getting a mutually suitable date hasn't proved easy. They've taken me out a couple of times so it was a thank you long over due. Settled on "Lizaran" in Figueres which is a favourite of theirs and well quoted by several others as well.
There was a great choice of tapas on a serve yourself basis and then every so often, a bell would ring and a server would come around with hot tapas. Reasonably priced, it was a good experience and to be repeated. Underneath that huge ball of candyfloss, there's an egg custard. Mine and Brian's dessert was  covered with chocolate and far less elaborate.
After lunch Brian and Dani visited the toy museum which I gave a miss preferring to wander around in the sun; I spotted a couple of pairs of red shoes but of course, at 3pm the shop was still closed. Even after having a cuppa before heading back to the car, it wasn't open. Such a shame as I've been looking for a pair for a very long time. What's more, they were in the sale. Ah, well, my present ones will see me through until the better weather but I've been saying that for the last couple of years; no doubt they'll give up on me at some time in the none too far distant future. On the plus side, I upped the much needed number of daily steps taken after a few static days in front of various screens.
10°, sun, blue sky, cold

20.2.18: Encore Chez des Amis
Lunch at Jean and Françoise's with JJ, Mohammed and Hélène. Rabbit and lively, diverse conversation were on the menu. Afternoon was spent in front of the computer and this evening I joined Lynn, Ann and Dani for our monthly apérobio.
15°, cloud, sun, blue sky

19.2.18: Working for the Association
Met Sauria at the café to explain how the Association works. Obviously sold it well as she signed up straight away.  Spent all afternoon catching up with member administration and nothing much else.
12°, sun and cloud

18.2.18: Chez des Amis
Coffee at the bar and this time I was able to linger. Even had an apéritif. Spent a lazy afternoon and joined Doug, Erika, Nicole, Nick and Lizzie for an apéritif dinatoire at Flo's which she organised for us to meet her English friends Graham and Carin who were there for the weekend.
13°, cloud and rain

17.2.18: Chez Moi
For once Michel was on time to pick me up from the café to go to the market. Didn't even have time to drink my coffee. Met lots of people including Madeleine who's on her first visit back since selling her holiday home here. Had a coffee with Françoise, Henri and Michèle. Then Jean appeared with a bunch of flowers for me. Added them to the ones that Daniel brought me last week.
This afternoon Michel came around for tea and cake and this evening I had the telly for company.
14°, sun

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