Saturday 28 July 2018

Thank goodness for the café and invitations from friends

28.7.18: Out for dessert:
Missed going to the market as I was waiting for a parcel to be deliverd some time between 8 in the moning and 8 at night. Damn thing didn't arrive! Luckily, having opted out of a full meal, I have a date to join Michel and Anita to eat dessert (cheesecake) at his place. More later.
29° cloud then sun. Not a breath of air

27.7.18: Out for apéros
Coffee with Nicole and another lethargic afternoon. Mojitos chez Michel livened up the evening especially as a young couple, his airbnb guests, arrived and joined us.
Passing through the square on my way home, the bar was thronged with folk listening to the music. Despite being better than the last concert, I resited requests to stay, preferring to try and catch the lunar eclipse from my terrace. Sadly cloud obscured the view for much of the time but I did manage to snap the tail end of it.
34°, hot and sunny, cloud later

 26.7.18: Routine Thursday
Language exchange followed as usual with a stopover at the bar.
37°, hot and sunny

25.7.18: Out for apéros
Had a change of coffee venue this morning (Joëlle's) though not of company.
This evening though was the highlight of the week with apéros at Jim and Mags'. A good mix of French (including JJ), Scots and English with endless Pimms to drink and a variety of goodies to eat looking out on a fabulous bit of scenery.
36°, hot and sunny

24.7.18: Out for coffee
Coffee with Nicole P, worked on the association website.
31°, hot and sunny

23.7.18: Out for coffee and tea
Supermarket with Nick, coffee with Nicole P and walked to Nicole S's for tea.
31°, hot and sunny

Sunday 22 July 2018

Cooler Weather

22.7.18: Still bearable
Sunday morning coffee was more animated than usual as there was a cobla (sardane orchestra) playing in the square after Mass. It was good to see it and the bar busy with dancers and spectators as well as the usual suspects.
What's more, the cooler weather has continued. You can see from the photo that there's no blistering sun to deal with. Such a relief!
Came home for lunch and here I am in real time sitting in front of the computer bringing the blog bang up to date. Talk about well in advance. I'll be back at a later point to finish off the day as I'll have this evening's music to report on. Don't let the suspense get to you!
Arrived late and left after about three songs; the music even to my untrained ear was  was rubbish. Martine turned up just as I was making my get-away so she came back to mine to drink cava on the terrace. Altogether a better way to spend the evening.
28°, sun and cloud

21.7.18: Drop in temperature
No Saturday lie-in; there was a treadmill to pound and a rendez-vous with Michel at 10am to go to the market. As usual, he was late so it was after 10h30 by the time I met up with Jean and Françoise.
To give myself a bit more latitude, I decided to go home on the bus rather than with Michel. Even had time for a bit of photography; local businesses were responsible for this street decoration. Cheery, isn't it? I saw something similar in Gerona a couple of years ago; it featured parasols instead of kites and was every bit as effective.
With half an hour left to wait before the bus I decided to have a coffee in a bar on the way to the stop. By chance I met Thérèse and her partner Eric who invited me to join them. Not from the village, I only know them from my local where they stop by from time to time. As Thérèse was not prepared to offer me a coffee at 12.30 in the day, I succumbed to a white wine while we caught up on all our back news.
Spent a quiet time at home until it was time to go to the recreation ground for the fireworks' display which was good and much appreciated. Luckily, the earlier rain hadn't interfered with the continuing festivities of the Festa Major. (meal of "moules/frites", disco and fun fair)
27°, sun, showers and cloud later.

Friday 20 July 2018

This Week's News

20.7.18: Showing willing
Had a late coffee at the bar on my own and enjoyed every minute of listening to the fountain and the mummer of conversation in the background.
Had lunch at "La Galerie" with Ann, Lynn and her visitor Anne. The restaurant  has had good reviews and we weren't disappointed and the two young proprietors were charming.
Spent the afternoon trying not to think about having to wear my demon costume (long robe, long sleeves, red wig, wings) and having my face painted for the first evening of the  village's "festa major". Given that the carnival was cancelled back in February due to bad weather, it was decided to bring out the float at this time. Being so hot, I'm sure that I will have lost the kilos I put on this lunchtime but not those that the sausage chips we ate afterwards will have piled on. The things I find myself involved in to support village events.
32°, hot and sunny

19.8.18: Standing room only
Language exchange this morning and a cuppa at the bar afterwards. God, how often have I written this over the years. The exchange started six months after the blog, 10 years ago though at that time it took place at the café.
Ate lunch rapidly at home before an Association committee meeting and at the end of the afternoon had tea with Michel. This time there was no cava and no baking but it was good to catch up even if he was on the clock.
This evening there was an Irish night at the bar with music provided by 10 local singers and musicians. There wasn't a seat to be had and for all concered, the evening was a big success.
34°, sunny

18.7.18: Doing the rounds
Took my usual Wednesday morning coffee at Joëlle's on the main road where I was joined by one of the village nurses who was on a rare day off. Here community nurses are all self employed so many of them put in very long hours.
A women only afternoon tea chez Mags organised to meet her friend Gillie. As is the fashion these days it started with a glass of fizz though rather than the ubiquitous glass of prosecco that's on every menu in UK, we stayed loyal to Catalunya and drank cava. My kind of afternoon; chat, cava, Earl Grey and lots of home baking!
In the evening there was an imromptu apéritif at the bar with Nicole and Florian. Luckily I didn't listen to the voice in my head that was saying "no need to water, the rain is coming", because of course, it didn't.
32°, sun, cloud later

17.7.18: Eureka!
Obviously had an uneventful day as I can't remember anything about it! Am I on the slippery slope or was it such a boring day that I couldn't even be bothered to make a note?
Mystery solved; maybe you can hear my sigh of relief. Have just had a look at my photos and it's all come back to me! Can recommend this as a memory prop.
Went and had a coffee this morning and heard that Lolo and his new group were going to play at apéro time. I felt that in the name of solidarity, I should go back this evening to encourage them and enjoy a glass of wine. In actual fact this imprompu "concert" actually their first rehearsal! Have to say, knowing absolutely nothing about the subject, it was quite interesting watching them put it all together and by the end, they did run through several pieces without stopping and starting.
Hot and sunny once more.

16.7.18: Them bones, them bones, them old bones!
Nono and Evelyn came to the bus stop this morning to say "farewell" before they headed off to the mountains and I took off  to have my annual "once over" by the osteopath.
Walking around killing time before my appointment, I came across this interesting street name. It tells me that the town has been socialist for a long time. 10/10 for originality.
The osteopath did a good job; he realigned my back and I now walk straighter. Question is, for how long.
Had a cuppa while waiting for the bus back in a non-descript café, thanking my lucky stars with every sip that ours is a much more pleasant place to hang out.
Did some blog catch up in the afternoon and afterwards found myself sucked in to watching some of the arrival of "Les Bleus" at the Elyesées Palace. Was actually heartening to see all the players and our normally buttoned up President having fun. Pogba was a real elevation. Talk about holding his audience in the palm of his hand. Wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't go into politics after football has finished with him.
26° Early morning thunder storms, low cloud, rain, sun by the end of the day

Sunday 15 July 2018

Vive la France

15.7.18: Vive les Bleus!
Preparing lunch meant that my Sunday morning cuppa came later than usual and unusually, I didn' linger for long.
Had a lazy, lethargic afternoon; it was too hot to do otherwise.
Timed my trip to the bar, where we were booked in for the communal paella, to coincide with the end of the match. Needless to say the terrace of the bar was packed and everyone was in high spirits. You'll know of course that France won. Of course, there's all too much hype but the pleasing thing about this team is that they're not the "brats" (too polite to use the term that more adequately describes them) that the last team that included the like of Benzema was.
About 80 of us tucked into the paella which sadly was pretty mediocre. Mass catering at the bar is always a bad deal and if I hadn't been invited, I would have eaten at home. Sorry for being negative.
I did have a mini bottle of cava though to bring back a bit of sparkle and all the positive vibes around meant that no one, not even me, could small niggles spoil the evening.
32°, very hot and sunny

14.7.18: Vive la Republique!
Glory, it was hot this morning for the "Bastille Day" ceremony. A procession to the war memorial, the Maire's speech in which he emphasised that there are still personal, national and international Bastilles to be felled, presentation of medals, sardane dancing and an "apéritif républican". It was too hot to linger without shade so Nicole, Nono, Evelyn and Iwandered to the bar for a coffee in the shade next to the cool of  the fountain.
Didn't have to prepare food as I was invite d to the cousin's for lunch and in the evening we ate the leftovers in the fridge after Nono had sorted out the light that I've been waiting for Sauveur to fix. My kind of day!
32° very hot and sunny

Friday 13 July 2018

Football, Food and Photos

13.7.18: Last association obligation for a while
Coffee in the morning with Nono, Evelyn and Nicole. My visitors come with their own accommodation, so they went back to theirs after lunch and I had a free afternoon until it was time to prepare a bite to eat for this evening.
Association duties called all too soon; there was the apéritif to set up before ardent exhibition goers turned up for the vernissage. It was quite well attended but as the photographer is a local person, that wasn't really surprising. There was little food left over which is always a relief though the President did skip off before it was time to clear up. Nothing surprising there either!
32°, hot and sunny

12.7.18: Feeling smug
Early morning rendez-vous with Marguerite to buy provisions for tomorrow evening's vernissage, then the language exchange and a cuppa at the bar afterwards.
Moved furniture up and downstairs; not the wisest course of action but there you are, who else is going to do it?
Nono and Evelyn arrived for dinner after which we went to the bar to listen to the music and have a herbal tea. By the way, have you noticed how often non-alcoholic drinks crop up these days rather than "a glass of rosé"? Can only be good, eh?
30°, cooler when the rain and thunder came in the afternoon

11.7.18: More good music, lovely setting, disappointing food
Coffee at Joëlle's on the main road, pottered and prepared food for Nono and Evelyn's (cousins of Christian) arrival tomorrow. The evening was spent with Martine, Laura and David overlooking the lake, listening to "swing" and eating a meal that wasn't worth the 30€ it cost. Sitting there brought back many memories of the time that Christian and I walked there every day.  Not that it was a pass time that he enjoyed!
32°, overcast, rain showers overnight

10.7.18: Allez les Bleus!
Went to the bar late this morning for my cuppa and was sitting quietly enjoying the peace until the U3A group arrived; they well and truly outdid the the terrible two. They came with a photo of one of their group who had died the day before to put on the table with them. Beat a hasty retreat, preferring to go home to my trusty tablette, the volume of which is easily controlled.
And there I stayed until I wandered over to the bar to experience the atmosphere at the end of the French semi final against Belgum. They won and as Martine was there we lingered a bit longer for a cuppa.
34° sunny

9.7.18: Good music, friends and tapas
Had a coffee at the other bar with Martine and Nicole this morning and went to the folk evening in my regular this evening. A pleasant way to spend a warm summer's evening.
33°, sunny

Sunday 8 July 2018

Very quiet weekend

8.7.18: Another point of view
There were seven women for coffee at the bar, the terrible two included. Jacques came by later on and after an apéro, he invited Nicole and myself to help finish up the leftovers from Friday's meal. as ever he was very hospitable and we had a good discussion about the unrest in Nantes after the shooting of a young man by the Police.
Too well fed and too hot to do anything other than sit on the settee and watch my latest Netflix boxset, "Serangoon Road". It's an Australian production set in Singapore in 1964 and for once the Brits weren't portrayed as the "good guys".  That does make a change, doesn't it?
Just in case you're tut, tutting that I'm not exercising off all those calories, I'll have you know that I've done 1 hour+ on the treadmill for six of the last seven days. Not bad, eh?
35°, hot and sunny

7.7.18: More Swedish than the Swedes!
Market with Michel  and Patrick. Didn't even have a coffee with anyone. Spent the afternoon at home waiting for the electrician to come; he didn't. Filled the time with doing some cooking to see me through the week and then at the end of the afternoon, I went to the bar only for as long as it took to take a photo of Nicole in the Swedish colours. Here she is with a couple of Swedes who have a holiday home here and not one to do things by half, she's even carrying an IKEA bag! How much longer must we suffer the football? If you're wondering why, if I'm not interested in the "beautiful game", I'm taking these photos, it's to put them in the Association's photo gallery on the web site in order to show that our members participate in the life of the village. Heck, I'm getting so boring but that's life at the moment.
33°, sun, cloud later

Friday 6 July 2018

Keeping up with friends

6.7.18: Food, friends, footie and all that jazz
Delivered the posters for a forthcoming  exhibition of photographs by one of the Association's members, stopping on my way around at the new wee salon du thé. Then it was lunch followed by supermarket shopping with Maggie. Lunch was a good deal in one of those purpose built restaurants on an estate accommodating small businesses and workshops. Thus it's only open Monday to Friday and its clientelle  predominately pensioners (good value for money) and male workers.
Turned down an invitation to join Jacques, his partner and 4 other friends for a BBQ but I did make dessert for them and to be sociable, stayed for an apéritif when I delivered it.
Later I met a few friends at the bar to listen to some jazz on the terrace. The yellow mug with tea in it, is mine!
Inside, the football was on and here's Nicole in the Belgian colours. She's becoming quite a legend with her footie get-ups in the colours of one of the teams in action.
29°, sunny

5.7.18: Forward Planning
Language exchange, a cuppa afterwards at the bar, time on the computer and a meeting to try and advance "project cornemuses (bagpipes)". Despite the two members from the Mairie not turning up (one was stung by a wasp and dealing with the aftermath, it went completely out of her head, the other chose to go to a vernissage in Perpignan instead), it felt as if there was a bit more support and willingness to be involved. However, having been let down the last time, I decided to take the minutes myself. Not anyone's favourite pass time. Still, a glass of rosé rather than a cuppa at the bar was a good pick-me-up.
29° sun and light rain shower

4.7.18: Rosé for two
Met Nicole at the other bar for a tea which was followed by a glass of  rosé and once we were able to have a conversation without interruption or banalities.
Nothing else of interest.
34°, sunny and windy

3.7.18: An evening in
Arrived at the bar at 11.30am, an hour later than usual. The terrible two were just about to leave .... result! Nicole, bless her, stayed on.
For once, I spent a good part of the afternoon in the kitchen preparing tapas for Michel, who's back from Thailand, his two visitors and Jean-Jacques. It was good to have some new faces and conversation along side old friends and a reason to open some cava. Patrick and Christian were appreciative of the evening which leaves me wondering why I don't do it more often.
32°, hot and sunny

2.7.18: An afternoon out
Gave coffee a miss in favour of doing stuff around the house. Went with Florence in the afternoon to see the Dufy exhibition. As you can see below, the title is Dufy's Perpignan studios. I naively thought that there would be lots of paintings that were painted there. Yes, there were but they were of the studios themselves! Not you'd know it from the museum's website. This photo is of the card I sent to my Mum.
Upside was that there weren't many people there so we could take our time to navigate around the exhibition rooms and studiously read the notes alongside each exhibit.
Being Monday, many of the independant shops were closed; is it any wonder that the centre is dying, we asked ourselves. The two "salon du thé" that we'd thought of going to were also closed so we ended up in a brasserie on the way back to the carpark.
Spent the night in with my wee pal Netflix.
30°, hot and sunny

Sunday 1 July 2018

In need of change

1.7.18: Change of air in view
Got up early to use the treadmill  before going to the café. The cacklers were there in good voice. I really am going to have to put some distance between us. Think I'll use the other bar more and  alter my timing. Upside will be that I'll be more productive in the mornings so every cloud and all that .....
30°, sunny and windy

30.7.18: Fresh air
Heck, we're already halfway through the year and the longest day was 10 days ago. Where does the time go?
Nick and Lizzie picked me up in their open top as I waited at the bus stop to go to the market. It was a pleasant reminder of the fun that Christian and I had in ours. So glad that he eventually got his heart's wish. Came back on the bus an hour and a half later having met Françoise and Jean for coffee and done a bit of shopping.
Back in the village, I arrived at the café at the same time as Nicole and once again we weren't able to avoid the noisy pair. Nicole and I did linger on though and had a glass of rosé and thankfully there was enough calm and quiet to chat.
For the rest of the day, I dithered around on the computer and watched more box sets than were good for me.
32°, hot and sunny

29.6.18: Too much hot air!
Arranged with Nicole to go later to the bar in the hope of avoiding the noisy pair. Wouldn't you know it, they had lingered on. Had another dose of raised voices this afternoon as the bureau was a bit heated between three of the members. No point in going into details. Maybe it's the relentlessly hot weather.
This evening was more pleasantly spent with the English women with whom I have the "apérobio"; for once their men were invited. Went to the other bar for a change and ordered up the grill that they do at the weekend. The company was an altogether different kettle of fish with no loud, over the top discussion. Food was tasty, too.
30°, sunny