Friday 29 February 2008

Happy Wanderers

Set off relatively early (for us) in sunshine and during the day we had temperatures as high as 22° and as low as 11°. Visited several villages, followed some forest tracks and took a few photos. One of the villages used to hand craft wooden spoons and the street lights are designed as a tribute. Unfortunately, the camera battery gave up before lunch so
Christian missed several good shots. Garrotxa is a volcanic area with beautiful scenery but tourist-wise is not so developed as other parts that we have visited. Restaurants were thin on the ground away from the main road but we eventually found a cheap and cheerful lunch at 1.30pm which Christian attacked with great gusto!Having fortified ourselves we continued on our way up to 611m to a 10th century ruined castle and sanctuary and yet again there was a mobile phone antenna by the side of it. Carbuncles and landscapes spring to mind. At this point thunder could be heard in the distance and we ran into an absolute downpour as we went on to the next village. It was too wet to get out of the car which was a shame as it looked to be the most interesting village so far. There was nothing else to do but head for home where there was no sign of rain.

Thursday 28 February 2008

Where's Jaime?

Was watching some tv and up popped an advert for "Spam Fritters" Do people still eat these things???? I've been trying to convince French friends that British cooking has improved so I'll be keeping quiet about that. Spam fritters should be on Jaime's hit list, shouldn't they???? Have just googled "Spam" and do you know there's an official site and someone wanting to know where she can buy them. Apparently there are people who really like them. Ugh! Now to more serious matters ..... a banner for Saturday's demo is lying on the dining room table drying and Christian is out at another meeting. Tomorrow, weather permitting, we plan to go out on one of our voyages of discovery, so watch this space for the photos.

Wednesday 27 February 2008

Did the earth move for you?

Woke up this morning to hear that some of you may have had a bit of a bumpy night as a result of what someone on the BBC described as 'a very British earthquake' ie, not very strong.
We too, have the odd seismic event like Sarko admiting that he should not have responded to the farmer. Note, he didn't say that shouldn't have responded in the way he did; that would be too much to hope for. Today he and Carla fly off to South Africa stopping in Chad on the way. No doubt he expects to secure the promised Presidential pardon for the members of the 'L'arche de Zoé' who were convicted for their 'rescue' mission to bring a group of orphaned children out of the country. In the end the children weren't Dafuri orphans and it was they who need rescuing. A real debâcle.The pardon seems to be a trade off for France bolstering the President against a recent failed rebel attack.
On the cultural front we made a trip to the cinema yesterday with Jean-Jacques and Michelle to see 'The Kite Runner'. The book was wonderful and the film didn't disappoint. It managed to capture the emotion and depth of friendship and the finer side of human nature while surrounded by barbarity. As you can imagine, the scenery was immense and the choreography of the kites in the sky compelling. If you haven't already, do go and see it.

Monday 25 February 2008

Winners and Losers

There was the rugby on Saturday ~ let's pass quickly on from that one and turn our attention to the national agricultural fair in Paris (no, I haven't got the location wrong)and Mr Sarkozy's visit; all was going well with cheers, smiles and handshakes until mooing sounds could be heard and a farmer who told Mr Sarkozy not to touch him. Not known for his elegant and sophisticated manner, our President Bling told this French citizen to " push off, bloody idiot " or words to that effect!!!! The dignity of high office seems to be sadly lacking under Sarko's reign. There's video footage of the event circulating on the internet via utube ~ just tap in 'casse-toi, pauvre con.'Let's hope he minds his manners when he visits Her Majesty, though on second thoughts perhaps he'll get on quite well with Philip. The result of all this is that his popularity has dropped to 38% and he's only been in for 7 months.
As for the winners, there was Marion Cotillard who won an oscar for her role as Edith Piaf.
Away from the world of the rich and famous, we spent a busy Sunday what with putting up the anti-THT banner in the street and preparing dinner for 8 of us. You can see from the photo that Christian couldn't resist from telling me how to take it! Of course politics were well and truly on the menu and this week there are yet more meetings for Christian. Now I know how Bill (Clinton)feels.

Saturday 23 February 2008

Blue Skies

After several days of cloud, the sun is back and instead of being out enjoying it, here I am in front of the computer. That's one thing about living here, at least you don't feel obliged to make the most of the sun as you know it'll still be there tomorrow. Didn't even get to the market this morning as there was another meeting. My first but Christian's fourth since Monday not to mention all the informal electioneering we're doing. If André's list doesn't get in, it won't be for the want of trying. Had friend's round for dinner last night and today we had lunch out. Apparently, the paint fairy has been busy daubing 'Non à la T.H.T.' (no to the high tension powerlines that "they" want to put through the area) on the roads and there have been a couple of arrests as a consequence. Next Saturday there's a demo in Perpignan so we'll be on the bus that leaves from here ~ that'll take me back to the days of the miner's strike, marching through Glasgow behind a pipe band and ending up on Glasgow Green for speeches. While I'm reminiscing, is anyone watching "Ashes to Ashes"? A bit daft but doesn't it take you back? Ah, sigh, sigh.

Tuesday 19 February 2008

Tempus Fugit

After a bit of an absence being very busy, yours truly is back. Have been much put out by the news from the States ~ a disabled person tipped out of his wheelchair, Bush believing that waterboarding although, torture is acceptable and another young person running amok with a gun ~ and its they who give the rest of the world lessons in morality and democracy!
Our Friday neighbourhood meeting wasn't as well attended as the previous one which meant that the discussion was more informal and we didn't wait until the end to circulate the wine and peanuts!
Saturday, as usual was market day where it was clear from the different languages that could be heard, that school holidays have started to roll out. It was cold and overcast in the morning but the sun fought its way through in the afternoon thus encouraging me to deal with the weeds. You've no idea how long it takes to tidy up a few pots and a couple of flower borders. Christian did take time off from the computer to make us a cuppa which kept me going. In the evening the 'list' congregated in the mountains to have a meal at "La Taverne". Spirits were high, there were great hopes of a result in the elections and a good time was had by all.
Sunday it was all systems go to prepare for Marie Christine and Pierre's visit so there was no lie-in. Headed off down the coast for a good lunch at L'Archipel'; there will be some of you who will remember the little stream complete with gold fish and palm tree in the middle of the rerstaurant!
Unable to work out the new one way system we found ourselves on a vertiginous single track road through the vineyards which gave superb views. Eventually found our way to a view point with even better views over the coast. Shame it was blowing a gale so beat a retreat home to light the fire and have tea.
Discovered that it had been Marie Christine's birthday the day before so we celebrated with a bottle of champagne and a candle on the dessert.
Monday the weather seemed to have improved so we decided to take our visitors up to the Col d'Ouillat to admire the views. Got to within a couple of hundred metres of the top only to find ourselves in thick cloud and the restaurant with panoramic views closed, therefore, no hot chocolate to warm us up.
Still, we came home with an armful of mimosa via some Roman ruins and a Romanesque church . After lunch we pointed the car in the direction of Figueres for a leisurely stroll around the town.
Christian woke up this morning at 6am to find our visitors had hit the road to Normandy while we were still in the Land of Nod. The news today about the police failing to arrest the Israeli for whom there is an international arrest warrant because of a fear of a shoot out left me in disbelief but perhaps I'm missing something. Here Sarkozy is in the headlines again, this time for decreeing that each primary school child should 'adopt' the history of a jewish French child sent to one of the concentration camps. Otherwise it's the forthcoming rugby match against England that's taking up news space. Closer to home it's been drizzling.
This evening Jean and Françoise did a soup run to share a pot of 'Calypso Lentil Soup' with us made with a recipe I'd given her. Before you think that abit odd, after all most people come bearing wine or flowers, they'd wanted us to go over to them but as Christian had a meeting, they decided to come here instead. The soup was good and there was no pot to wash.

Thursday 14 February 2008

St Valentine

Yeah, yeah, I know, commercialisation at it's best but it was nice to get a bunch of roses this morning.Then there was a good lunch in a classy restaurant in Catalunya Sud/Spain ~ part of an old fortified farmhouse with thick stone walls and a great view. There was even a single rose for each woman. Went with friends Anne and Henry who moved to another valley last year which means that we don't see so much of them these days. It's funny how they seem so much farther away than friends who live the same distance away up our valley. Positively medieval thought processes. It's easy to understand how geography can have a bearing on alliances and affinities.

Wednesday 13 February 2008

Frosty Franco-British Relations

Don't know what you all think but here "We were not amused!" Mr Rude or Monsieur Malpoli will appear on channel 5 children's tv on 25th Feb. He farts and speaks with a French accent. Apparently everyone knows that the French are lacking in the politness department according to some of the comments about it and it's meant to be light hearted! It's beyond me that something like this can go out on children's tv ~ there are enough negative stereotypes as it is. It will be interesting to see if the spectators of the France v England rugby match have any comments to make.

Monday 11 February 2008

Another Monday

Well, this weekend has passed just as quickly as the last one. Yesterday was a lovely sunny day as is today and after a lazy start we headed off to Perpignan with Jean Jacques and Michelle where we visited a mineral and fossil fair. Why? Because our neighbour was part of the organising committee. It's not just kisssing babies that comes with the territory! There was lots of lovely jewellery and I found a pair of earrings so all in all, a useful couple of hours. Rounded off the day with dinner at Jean Jacques and Michelle's where we were joined by Michel, Joëlle and Linde. What did we talk about? You've guessed it, politics and as I write there's another meeting going on in the kitchen, the first of several this week. Dedication, dedication, dedication.

Saturday 9 February 2008

Kissing Babies

Last night's meeting was well attended and the list was well received. Now it's a question of showing face, kissing babies (Christian) and old men (me)! It's all quite exciting really and even though there are three lists to battle it out, we feel there is a very good chance of victory. Watch this space!
Alongside all this, life continues as usual ~ market this morning and lunch out. At the moment the Welsh are leading Scotland 10:6. I hope Edofglasgow and other Scottish friends won't be disappointed again......
It's all over,oh dear! Now it's France v Ireland.....

Friday 8 February 2008

Too busy for celebrations

Pancake Tuesday came and went and there was no time to flip the frying pan and Chinese New Year yesterday passed without the chopsticks seeing the light of day. Of course, the upside is that the scales have stayed the same. Last night we hosted a neighbourhood meeting to present our candidate for mayor, André. There were about 20 people there and the evening ended with a glass or two of wine. This evening the "liste" will be presented to Maureillas so Christian will be in best bib and tucker.

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Out and About

Just home from Joëlle and Michel's where we were invited to eat pizza and watch the film "Ma vie en l'air". An amusing, easy watch with a happy ending. Earlier on in the day we went with them and Joëlle's cousin, Daniel to visit the château de Requesens and have lunch in the nearby restaurant. Bounced our way there on a track for the last 10km only to find the restaurant closed! Still we visited the dolmen en route,the skies were blue and the scenery stunning. There are some of you who will know where I'm talking about as it's a trip we often make with visitors.
Made do with a rustic lunch (9€ incl wine) in Cantallops which means "cry of the wolves", if anyone is interested. Came back to La Jonquera where we found ourselves in a jungle of huge lorries. Taxi drivers in France have been on strike today (Sarko wants to liberalise the taxis) and about 300 of them blocked the frontier thus forcing lorries off the autoroute. Managed to weave our way through to take a backwoods road that in days gone by was a smugglers' route.
Yesterday was an altogther quieter day with some household chores, yes, I do do some every now and again and apéritifs at Joëlle and Michel's where the talk turned inevitably to the elections.

Monday 4 February 2008

Little Miss Sunshine

I'd like to think that the title related to yours truly but it doesn't,it refers to the film which we saw at a Joëlle and Michel's this afternoon. Our friend, June has been urging us to see it for ages. It was a great look at family life and it's idiosyncracies. Appealed to the social worker in me. Came home to find that there wasn't any water so the dishes can be left with a clear conscience.Apparently a main burst in two places. Jean Louis from the bar was not happy ~ no water for coffee or more importantly, none for the pastis! Ah well, tomorrow's another day.

Sunday 3 February 2008


You know, the weekend doesn't go any slower even when you don't have to go to work on the Monday morning. It's been a quiet couple of days ~ market, tea both days round at Joëlle and Michel's and endless Sarko and Carla on the telly.
It's now being said that it was all so rapid so that she could be received at Buck House when our "beloved" President visits in March. Heaven forbid the Queen should be confronted by a mistress (schhh, don't mention Camilla). I wonder if he'll give Carla a job. Funny, it used to be that men in power like MPs often ended up with their secretaries becoming their wives, now it seems the wives are becoming their secretaries! Has anyone noticed how much she looks like a younger version of his ex, Cécilia who was also a model, by the way! What is it with powerful,short men and leggy women????
Oh yes, the other news-worthy event was the rugby. Sorry, Edofglasgow that it didn't go Scotland's way but at least Celtic won.

Friday 1 February 2008

On top of the world

Wasn't the best day weatherwise for a day out but even with a dull sky our destination was just fabulous. Went into Catalunya Sud (Spain to a lot of people) and the first stop was at a 12th century church next to a small farm where there were horses, goats, cattle, poultry and sitting on the lawn, 2 swans! There wasn't a drop of water to be seen so goodness knows where they came from.For the last 12km of the trip we zigzagged our way through woods overlooked by giant crags up to a sanctuary at 1,125m. It really did feel wonderful to have 360° views over the Pyrénées,the Garrotxa (volcanic)region and the plain. Shame, we forgot the camera, shame the church and restaurant were closed for repairs and shame there were telecommunication antennae just along side. Unbelievable. Still it was well worth the vertigo on the way up and we'll no doubt return with our next visitors. It could be you....
Had a cheap and cheerful lunch before returning home in time for a tea party at the bar.
To explain - we'd put some photos and a report of a couple's 60th wedding anniversary on the village web site and this was by way of a thank you. Aged 82 and 92, it's the kind of thing that leaves you with a great feeling and to think that some people say it's difficult to be accepted by the Catalans.Home again and lo and behold, our first comment on the blog. Thanks Edofglasgow for breaking our "duck".