Monday 25 February 2008

Winners and Losers

There was the rugby on Saturday ~ let's pass quickly on from that one and turn our attention to the national agricultural fair in Paris (no, I haven't got the location wrong)and Mr Sarkozy's visit; all was going well with cheers, smiles and handshakes until mooing sounds could be heard and a farmer who told Mr Sarkozy not to touch him. Not known for his elegant and sophisticated manner, our President Bling told this French citizen to " push off, bloody idiot " or words to that effect!!!! The dignity of high office seems to be sadly lacking under Sarko's reign. There's video footage of the event circulating on the internet via utube ~ just tap in 'casse-toi, pauvre con.'Let's hope he minds his manners when he visits Her Majesty, though on second thoughts perhaps he'll get on quite well with Philip. The result of all this is that his popularity has dropped to 38% and he's only been in for 7 months.
As for the winners, there was Marion Cotillard who won an oscar for her role as Edith Piaf.
Away from the world of the rich and famous, we spent a busy Sunday what with putting up the anti-THT banner in the street and preparing dinner for 8 of us. You can see from the photo that Christian couldn't resist from telling me how to take it! Of course politics were well and truly on the menu and this week there are yet more meetings for Christian. Now I know how Bill (Clinton)feels.

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